Monday, December 11, 2006


Their grandad bought both a superman outfit at Sarah's insistence.

The girls flying!!
With their supergirls pose...

Sarah has been reminding us everyday that her birthday is coming... It is 10 months away!! She has moved from wanting a Barney cake to her latest request, a superman cake! So I taught Tasnym to say "I know" whenever Sarah says that her birthday is coming!!

Tasnym asks for a Maney (Barney) cake. The other day, she got to watch Barney at United Square before the start of her class. She clung to the banister refusing to let go. When she finished her class, she ran out screaming for Barney and BJ!

She fell in the bathtub last week hitting her nose and mouth on the corner. When Izad asked her "did you fall?" she said "yah" "did you fall in the toilet?" she said "yah". All the leading questions!!

We have been using Nufayl to persuade Sarah to do anything esp use the potty. Now

when she goes to the toilet, she will say "Mama, you must tell Nufayl ok that I urine inside the potty"

The girls with Nufayl.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Two artists at work

This is the 2 artists putting paint on their artwork.

Discussing what to paint ;)

And making a mess!!

The final art piece...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Went to Sarah's first parent teacher meeting last week. teachers said that she was an outgoing girl who interacted well with her friends but when the teachers call her, she goes silent and bow her head down. they were not able to get her individual photo either as she refused to cooperate. so her cover page of her report book is not ready and her report book is blank... to think that next year her teacher is going to be different. she is going to take another 2 months to adjust to the new person!!

Have managed to get her back on track with her toilet training with fewer accidents but thumb sucking is still on full force. Oh yes and everything is now "why?"

Tasnym is really picking things up fast, can join three words together and mimics everything that Sarah does. So she is saying why? too whenever Sarah does that and the same question is repeated by both over and over ...

Sarah will say "Mama what are you doing, what happened to your face?" when mama puts on a face mask. "why mama why?"
Tasnym will then say "mama, wing? face? why?"