Sunday, August 31, 2008

Come on smile!

Here are the studio pics!

So angmoh right?
And this one ever so sweet!!

Gorgeous huh?

The ones below are photos that my dad took of the girls. Sarah's is not available in soft copy. Its amazing how alike Tasnym and Daniah look when they smile. Interestingly, Daniah looked exactly like Sarah when she is not smiling!

So who is who? Which one is Tasnym and which one is Daniah?

Monday, August 18, 2008


Arent' they simply gorgeous? My two princesses... We went for another family photo shoot last week and were simply too ambitious signing up for a package that allows us 6 costume changes, we barely made it past 2 before Tasnym decided to call a strike and refused to smile anymore!! So not surprisingly only the first few photos turned out well with the rest in the bin! We got 6 soft copy poses too will put that up when its done...

Lets just share..

There was an article in the papers a few weeks back abt non-handicap people using the handicap toilet.. again..

Actually I am one of those who do use the handicap toilet pretty regularly.... but before people start throwing stones at me.. let me explain why....

Firstly, I do think that the handicap should have priority in using the toilets but I definitely do not think that the handicap toilet should be exclusively for the handicapped. In Jusco Tebrau in JB, the handicap toilet is also meant for the pregnant ladies, those with small children etc... the fact that the doors can't shut... well that is another story... but basically the idea is a special toilet for those in need and not just for the wheelchair bound.

Imagine you are a mother with a stroller ... hmmm that issue again... wanting to use the toilet, well she can't jolly well fit into the regular toilet cubicles can she and she can't leave the baby outside either... leave the stroller and bring the baby in? hmmm... what an acrobatic balancing act! So wat options does she have but to use the handicap toilet? And to think of it, I have never seen a mother pushing a stroller with her baby to our toilets... they must all be using the handicap toilets hah?

The other scenario would be when you have small kids with you... again you can't leave them outside and they can't fit into the cubicle esp those extra tiny ones where you can't close the door without having to squeeze by the side of the toilet bowl... who designed those I truly wonder?

So as you can see... other people need that handicap toilet... not just those wheelchair bound ones.

And please can the cleaners leave the handicap toilet doors unlocked... whoever who thought that was a good idea as a way of ensuring that the toilets are only used by the handicap must be seriously demented... I mean why would you want the handicap or anyone else going to a completely different location to get the key first before they can use the toilet... haven't they heard of the term 'high tide'? And I seriously do not think they are doing the handicapped a service... even if they had intended to..

Friday, August 08, 2008

Leave the baby at home?

What a funny remark as a solution to the conflicts strollers have been having with people's feet... leave the baby at home when parents go out shopping, dining or just out in general? And isn't it funny that those remarks are made by those who are not married and are without children... lets see whether they will leave their babies at home when the time comes..

The newspaper article in the Sunday Times just showed how egocentric Singaporeans are in managing issues. The solution should be something that benefits me and me alone. So they say keep the baby at home, dun take the bus... dun the parents have more sense than to take other forms of transport... fold the stroller...

And I wonder dun they realise that not everyone could afford to take taxis everywhere... that the bus is a public option for many... in the UK, there is even a stroller parking lot on the bus and people make way when a parent comes on board with the stroller.

If people complain that strollers are blocking the way on the bus and in the restaurants, shouldn't we think of solutions that would benefit all... no, keeping the baby at home is not the solution... some solutions that would help could be to have family tables arranged at restaurants that would leave more room for people to walk along the aisle... to have stoller lots on buses...

And the issue of stroller conflicts with feet, I dun think the issue is with stroller or trolleys for that matter, cos there are lots of fights between trolleys and feet too... but the issue is with Singaporeans tendency to not give way to others... they just need to be in front... on the roads, on the pavements, in the malls ... there is no difference.. and even if you apologise cos of a genuine mistake, they glare at you like you had owed them a living... its rather bizarre... its truly nothing to do with strollers per se...

Come on the world is big enough to accommodate all of us for now, just move a little, it won't harm you, trust me.