Monday, May 04, 2015

Growing up

I have always been amazed as I watch babies grow.  From a helpless bundle to one who bables and talk as they pick up words of communication.

Its simply amazing really as I watch the girls.  Sarah is now a young lady, all prep to fly on her own.  Tasnym and Daniah will follow very soon.

And Hana.... as she now walks and babbles.

Friday, January 02, 2015

The little Hana has just turned 1 and yes how fast time flies!

Just like her sisters, she started walking at 8 months and is truly showing her personality by making her demands clearly known.

Favorites: balls, balloons and any soft toys
Favorite characters: Elmo and Mickey/ Minnie Mouse
Words spoken: mmmmmemmmmme for mama, behbeh for bibik and there for anything else she is pointing at!

Unfortunately, she is quite the picky eater so she is rather petite.

But it's ok, I am still cute! Here I am sending Kakak Daniah to school!