Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Trip to the zoo

The girls went to the zoo a few days ago and they enjoyed looking at all the animals.

See... I can stand on one leg just like the flamingoes!

Look at the tall giraffes...

Tasnym says

Word: Thank you
Tasnym says: Tehtyu

Phrase: Papa tidur here
Tasnym says: Papa deh-doh yere

Phrase: Mama read book
Tasnym says: Mama weed wook

Word: Elephant
Tasnym says: Eh-fant

Word: Dinosaur
Tasnym says: Die-soh

Word: Carry
Tasnym says: Weh-wee

Phrase: Please mama
Tasnym says: Pees mama

Phrase: What are you doing?
Tasnym says: What wing?

What is your name?
Tasnym says: Tasim A-yee-sha

What is Nenek's name?
Tasnym says: Omah

What is tok's name?
Tasnym says: Ee-yas

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My lil artist 2

This is my lil artist latest work which she calls "My Family and Photo Frame" tho I would say the picture is just of her alone!! But it simply amazes me of how she had painted the girl and it looks like a girl... you know what I mean? With the circle blobs as the frame... The picture now has pride of place on my fridge...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Row Row Ur Boat To Kuantan

We braved the floods to go Kuantan in Dec 06... Thru the floods we went... plunging in and roughing it out in Felda estates to go round flooded roads.. aren't we just lucky the car made it in one shape... I was ready to scream with the 2 girls in the car!!

This is the road to reach a waterfall... This was easy... the path up to the waterfall wasn't and on FOOT!! Slippery with the rain and having to carry two heavy gals... I gave up half-way... actually we all did.. Hah!

The water was icy cold.. brrrrrrr...

Kitty Kat Tas

Tasnym.. with her face painted as a cat in school...

And the whole class... but esp her keeps checking their faces in the mirror... she went to the mirror like 3 times even after class has resumed... so vain!

Making sure her kitty kat face is still on!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Its time for school!

Well, Sarah is finally setlling in school and coming home almost daily with urine drenched pants cos she absolutely refuse to urinate in the school's toilet. And every morning, we have to drag her out of the bed to bathe and get ready... that girl sleeps and sleeps and still wants to continue sleeping... just like her papa...

Tasnym is also settling in her Parents and Tots class in GUG. Her vocab is really increasing, now she asks questions about everything - What you wing? What say? What's that? and she repeats everything almost 3 times each time.

Tasnym: Where papa where papa where? (With a lilt at the end)
Mama: Papa go work
Tasnym: Why mama why? (again with the lilt at the end)

And copies everything Sarah does... a complete parrot!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Sarah's first day in N2

It was Sarah's first day in school yesterday and boy! we were back at square 1. New class with new teachers and she refused to let me go!! So there I go sitting in nursery class once again. She cried at the slightest thing.

Today, I had to be firm and had to still go to work. Promised to buy her a strawberry shortcake cake if she goes to school and she was all ready to go. By the time we reached the school, she told me "Mama, I dun want the cake, I want to go home. I dun wan you go work!!" She clung on to my leg with all her might and her N1 teacher had to take her away. She took the van back and the bus lady said she stopped crying in the bus after a while.

Sigh... I dunno how it would be tomorrow....