Saturday, January 20, 2007

Its time for school!

Well, Sarah is finally setlling in school and coming home almost daily with urine drenched pants cos she absolutely refuse to urinate in the school's toilet. And every morning, we have to drag her out of the bed to bathe and get ready... that girl sleeps and sleeps and still wants to continue sleeping... just like her papa...

Tasnym is also settling in her Parents and Tots class in GUG. Her vocab is really increasing, now she asks questions about everything - What you wing? What say? What's that? and she repeats everything almost 3 times each time.

Tasnym: Where papa where papa where? (With a lilt at the end)
Mama: Papa go work
Tasnym: Why mama why? (again with the lilt at the end)

And copies everything Sarah does... a complete parrot!

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