Friday, January 30, 2009

Someday my prince will come...

Sarah: Mama, one day I want to marry a prince (after we finished reading Cinderella together)
Mama: Uh... okay...
Tasnym (starting to wail): I want Sarah! I want Sarah to marry me!!
Sarah: Eh girl cannot marry girl lah Tasnym!!

I think it was in every girls' dream... or almost every girl to marry a prince... the romantic dashing prince who is going to sweep you off your feet, ride off into the sunset, saving you from the stepmothers and witches of the time... seems like every girl dreams of being a princess... where did all these fantasies come from, I ask you... I blame it all on Disney... I mean before my girls knew the princesses, Tasnym's dream was to either become Mickey mouse or Barney. now she wants to be a princess and Sarah wants to marry a Prince... I think its also Disney's fault that we somehow inadvartently look for a prince in the non-prince guys who comes along... not willing to look at the genuinely nice guy cos well he is not a prince.

I never really thot about it before but I kind of now realised how silly the princess fairy tales are... I mean why must the prince in Cinderella use the shoe to look for her? You mean he can't recognise her face, just because she was all dressed up? After all they did dance together... didn't he gaze at her face long enough? He really needed the shoe to find the girl? And you mean only Cinderella has that shoe size and no one else did? Hmmm sounds like me actually, perhaps she too wears a size 10...

And that Snow White, the prince saw her in a glass coffin and fell in love with her... talk about being morbid... falling in love with a dead person and for them to just ride off in the sunset when they barely even know each other???!!! For all she knows, he is an axe-murderer...

See what these fairy tales are teaching our girls... that men are basically myopic guys who cannot even recognise/ see the beauty in front of his eyes (hmmm....kind of true actually) .... or that they should just trust in the guy who lifted them out of a coffin even though they have no idea what he is like... no wonder we have so many women just falling for the wrong guys... the guy just need to do something small and nice for the girl and she has fallen for him...

Its time for the stories to change... thats for sure!

Monday, January 12, 2009

1st birthday

Making sure everything is in order for the party...

Yep... everything is in place

Daniah's first birthday party had come and gone.... and I think (and hope) there would be a long while before I need to plan for another one.... already Sarah is telling me that she would like her birthday celebrated at the chalet and wants to have a pinata too!! bankrupt!

I dun have pictures from the party as was not holding the camera that day... pics are with the hubby and thing is he passed his camera on to his cousins who took photos of themselves! ha ha! oh well... I didn't even eat much... didn't even get to taste my mil's scrumptious cooking... just didn't have the appetite... so my diet is still in check despite the party... and yipppeee!! I have finally broken the barrier and am down to 69kg!! Pressing on downwards....

Counting her pressies
Thank you, thank you all, I love you!! And now if I can only find a way to stop my sisters from taking away my presents!

We spent the next day at the zoo and the night safari (which is a first for the girls)... not that Tasnym was aware of anything in the night safari as she had within 45 min of being there, zonked off to lala land!!!

Sarah... feeding the goats

Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon... who are you calling a boy?

I wish Daniah's hair would just grow faster... she is being mistaken for a boy that I have taken to ensuring she is in dresses... even with her pink mary jane shoes, a pakcik can mistaken her and called her "abang nak makan roti?"... the pakcik must have serious problems with his eyesight... for a moment there I was wondering who that old man was referring to... she is getting fairer by the day but no way would she be able to fight Tasnym in being super fair!
Its kind of funny cos the same thing happened with Sarah where all will mistaken her for a boy despite my best efforts to put hair clips on her etc. Alamak!! Tasnym, on the other hand has never been mistaken for a boy... her curls and looks are definitely girl but her behavior... oh my!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

10 things for the year

I did not make any new year resolutions ... still have not...

But a few days back, one of my good friends talked about how she was going to do 40 new things she has never done before in her life for this new year .... and it set me thinking... that perhaps I should do the same... not 40, I think thats too many for me ... but perhaps a much smaller number of 10.

Hmmm.... what could I do? Learn to play an instrument? Teach my daughters the value of charity? I really dunno... When I was younger, I did feel quite oppressed by my parents, as they in their want to protect, was too careful as to what they would allow me to do... but now, with 3 kids in tow... its gonna be tough too...

Ok for one... to visit the US of A and Canada...

I'll think of more and update : )

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

And twirl....

Tasnym went for her first ballet class least weekend... she had been sooooo excited that she wanted to 'try' on the clothes over and over days before....

Hands on the waist Tasnym, not the tummy.... dun worry just breathe in...

She was the only one in the class in purple while all the other girls were in pink.... and also the only one with a tiara on her head... ever the absolute princess!!

Poor Sarah was also supposed to start her art class on the same day... something she had been bugging us on for months and months.... unfortunately the teacher was ill that day and her class had to be postponed... luckily she is such a good sport and willingly and nicely drew at the lobby while waiting for Tasnym to complete her ballet...

All excited, and ready to go.... the teacher better turn up next week!

Friday, January 02, 2009

2008 - it came and it went....

Well the year came and went... it was just another day for me as 1 jan rolled by... there was no special celebrations ... afterall the main organiser aka 'ah' is out of town... and to think I missed out on last year's due to Daniah's birth...

I have no new year resolutions... can't be bothered to come up with one... dun think i'll stick to it anyway... tho I definitely am very serious about losing weight... and lose I have tho I so easily gained it back after eating at parties.... I take one month to lose and 1 party to gain... fair or not I ask you?!! I was definitely amused today standing behind 2 guys at the pharmacy counter buying nicotine patches to stop smoking ... good for them... apparently their new year resolution... wat with more restrictions curbing where they can smoke... ban it in all public places!

oh well... we had a fun last weekend, going to Malacca, the zoo, marina barrage... all in one week... and Daniah ended up contracting a throat infection with fever... orang nak tukar tahun : )

her birthday bash is coming up this sunday... so fast time flies... and Sarah is going to Primary 1 next year!!!

The Equatorial Hotel in Malacca was really good... I would recommend it as a destination ... I mean Malacca used to be such a sleepy town, people would just drive past to go to KL but with the opening of the Dataran Pahlawan Mall, it was good shopping, shopping, shopping.... the mall really reminds me of MBK in BKK to a smaller extent. There was a small shop selling tiny little baby nyonya kebayas... so cute!! next time I'm gonna go back to get that!!