Friday, March 27, 2009

Armpit attack!!

I really can't stand it when I see people showing off their armpits by wearing those sleeveless tops.... some people have very nicely toned arms and just does not go waving their armpits around... and that's fine... my grouse is with people flabby arms, unshaven armpits or armpits that simply should be kept hidden at all cost for various unmentionable reasons here.... why do you really want to show off such an unflattering part of you?

Dark armpits, those with flaps of skin.... please just keep it to yourself ok? Especially the men... oh men I can really faint at the sight of springy bushes of the clearly low-insight men holding on to the bus rails showing off all they have for all to see.... how can they even stand it, themselves... and how do they even manage to put down their arms? It is so bushy that I suspect they have to make quite an effort just to hang their arms down! Perhaps that is why they keep their arms up?

I also dun understand how people with really bad figures wearing very skimpy outfits... to me when its not good enuf to show off, just keep it to yourself... which is why in the gym and aerobics classes, I am the one with the baggy ts and long pants... you would never see me caught dead wearing those skimpy outfits... maybe when I am leaner and slimmer, I might but no way am I showing off unflattering parts of myself to others!

And yes finally, months of workout is showing the fruits of my labour, with slimmer butts and thighs.... so maybe just maybe.... I can show off something in aerobics class one day : ) but no way would it be the armpits tho... just keep that one to yourself ok?

1 comment:

Danierah said...

Oh God,you made me fall off my chair,laughing.i enjoy reading this entry.haha.