Friday, May 08, 2009

Baby tooth over and OUT!

Sarah's first milk tooth for the fairy...

Sarah has finally dropped her first baby tooth... after a week of the adults agonising whether it would drop off in time to allow for the tooth, that was fast growing behind, to have room to grow... We were busy agonising whether her teeth would be crooked and she would lose her winsome smile!

Various attempts were made to tie her tooth to a string but no way is this girl allowing us near her mouth with any piece of string in our hand... she would inspect our hands first before allowing us anywhere near her... clandestine attempts were made at night when she was asleep but to no avail...

Finally after much reminders for her to shake it Sarah, shake your tooth... it finally dropped off on its own yesterday... she placed it in a small plastic bag and had wanted to bring it to school today to show all her friends... but unfortunately she has got to look for the plastic bag first as it has now gone missing... perhaps its with the tooth fairy?

and now the pressure is on for the loose tooth next to it...

Sarah with her new look...

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