Thursday, August 13, 2009


Yup that was what the health check report revealed ... that I am at pre-obesity... having 10 more kilos to go before I am safe from risks of heart problems.... 10 kilos.... the magic no to my pre-wedding weight...

How I envy my friends who remain super yummy slim after each birth... even worse those who can tell me that they don't even have to do anything to lose the weight, that it just goes away naturally! And here I am struggling to lose every single kilo, as it see saws up and down...
Enjoying her ice cream... she does not need to worry about her weight, remaining ever petite despite eating so much!

Sigh... another year has come and gone and another birthday... this just strengthens my resolve to lose that weight! Yup ts my birthday today and apart from losing weight, I have also made another resolution but I think that one I will keep to myself and not share heh heh... sounds mysterious? but well it is something very personal.

I am grateful for all that God has given me and this birthday brings along with it new challenges, a new job, more responsibilities... and new reflections that somehow makes me question life and my place in this world.

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