Sunday, June 10, 2007

Its gonna be earlier, YEAH!!

We went to the gynae yesterday and were surprised to be told that actually the baby is already 9 weeks and not 7 weeks, as we had previously thought. This was noted in the scan that the baby is actually much bigger. Well, I'm happy to know that my morning sickness misery is gonna be cut down by two weeks ha ha.

We finally gave in and as Zuraidah would put it, has put up the white flag and proceeded to employ a new maid. Wat to do... we really cannot stand the sight of our home right now and neither has the energy to actually clean up cos its gets too frustrating to see it messed up so soon after. The pile of unfolded clothes is ominously growing bigger and one day we would need to use picks and axes to climb it!!

I'm just praying for the best and really hope that the same problems encountered before will not repeat itself.

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