Friday, August 24, 2007

Stop Calling ME!!

Don't you hate those pesky calls from the banks asking you to sign up for a new card, a new overdraft etc etc etc! Or worse, those that come from other slimming agencies and the sort trying to get you to sign up for some package or other... Here's several ideas I have that either I've used or planned to use whenever I receive such calls: 1) The easiest one, "I'm not interested, thank you. Bye!" and hang up. But if you do have time on your hands... 2) "Are you asking me to get into further debts? I already have enough debts, thank you." then lament on how much debts you have and how you have been having so much difficulty paying them all up... and how your baby didn't have enough to eat last month as you had to pay off all your debts... you get the gist... 3) "Are you teaching me to go into debts?" and go into indepth debate on the dangers of owning a card ... or of going into a debt... and how such methods by the bank to entice the young to have a card does not help the young in learning how to save... 4) "Before you begin, could you please send me a cheque for this phone call you are making to me right now, cos I'm not paying for this phone charge. Are you accepting the charge? Cos if you are not, do hang up now." 5) For those beauty agencies "Are you trying to say I'm ugly/fat etc? Are you trying to insult me? I won the Ms ** title in my school you know!" and then burst out into loud tears.... These are definitely no fail measures... try them ...he he... I'm sure word will get around and they'll stop calling you. Come on, if I really need their service they don't have to call me, I'll call them. For all those telemarketers, I know you are just trying to earn a living but you guys sure know how to call at all the wrong times!!

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