Friday, December 21, 2007

Oh when oh when..

The last two times, we visited the gynae, I told her clearly that should I not give birth in the Christmas week, I would like to be induced on the 31st Dec.. No way was I going to go into 2008 pregnant! But now... I am not so certain I would reach that date... there seem to be signs of impending labour...

I am in my 37th week... funny thing though this time, I have yet to experience any braxton hicks.. what I do have is low back ache, pain in the pelvis, frequent trips to the loo, not only to pee but to clear the bowels, an increase in discharge that I wonder whether I've lost my plug and a feeling... a definite instinct that baby is gonna be out soon..

the pain in the pelvis tho is getting more frequent and I'm wondering whether I'm already having contractions without realising as I deal with pain in my back and sides... Oh well.. baby just get out soon ok?

I do wonder how she will look... like Tasnym or Sarah... would she have Tasnym's cheeky smile or Sarah's sweet one... cheeky or not, just dun bring along the fiery personality!

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