Monday, September 14, 2009

Its going down!

And to my happy surprise... I now weigh 64.5... for the first time in I dunno how many years... my hubby is jealous though... mwa ha ha....

Well it seems like I am losing weight so much faster now as compared to the months when I was exercising... I have not been exercising much for the past 2 months as had been too busy and fasting... I don't think exercising was the wrong thing to do, it helped to increase the metabolic rate definitely... but in itself was not sufficient to cause a loss... I suspect that the months of exercising however, helped me to lose my weight now... I actually lost 3 kg in the fasting month alone when I actually took months to weigh 1 kg previously... definitely it is a combi of both diet and exercise that really aids weight loss....

This was such a huge difference from last year when I did not lose weight at all during the fasting month... the exercise regime I went thru this year I think set the stage for the weight loss once I started cutting down on the food intake... and cut I did... with half portions even at break fast and not taking too much junk food laden with calories....

The trick now is to ensure that it does not go back up after next week's feasting....

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