Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The things kids say!

Grandpa (Yayi): I want to be a hero, you think I can be a hero?
Sarah: You cannot become a hero, your stomach is too big!!

Tasnym to Daniah as they see the Superstar Virgo
Tasnym: Daniah, Sarah and I went on that ship. You never go because that time you were not born yet because mama and papa not yet get married!

Gosh the scandal! Mama and Papa not yet get married? With two kids already in tow?
: )

Anyway Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf zahir dan batin to all Muslims! And my diet went completely downhill with all the good food we feasted on these past 3 days....my weight has gone up up up!! stay down, stay down!

unfortunately this year, our ketupats did not turn out too well. Half unravelled in the water while the rest were to hard... all cos we put in too much rice... must remember to only put in 1/3 next time! All my backbreaking work to waste...

It was also a very tearjerking Hari Raya as we got the girls to also salaam and ask for forgiveness early that morning... Tasnym started crying even as she saw me cry while Sarah hid behind the sofa!

This year was also a different one for me... for the first time in my life, I did not go to JB on the first day of Hari Raya cos my granny had gone to KL instead. It feels so different and it felt like I did not have her, I actually teared as I spoke to her on the phone... how easily we take things we have for granted... And for the first time ever, I was actually told that I strongly resemble my late paternal grandfather, whom I have never met before as he passed away when my dad was only 3. Interesting huh? Out of all my cousins, I am the only one who has taken on the most Indian features especially with my nose... as my cousins say, the witches' nose!

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