Monday, December 11, 2006


Their grandad bought both a superman outfit at Sarah's insistence.

The girls flying!!
With their supergirls pose...

Sarah has been reminding us everyday that her birthday is coming... It is 10 months away!! She has moved from wanting a Barney cake to her latest request, a superman cake! So I taught Tasnym to say "I know" whenever Sarah says that her birthday is coming!!

Tasnym asks for a Maney (Barney) cake. The other day, she got to watch Barney at United Square before the start of her class. She clung to the banister refusing to let go. When she finished her class, she ran out screaming for Barney and BJ!

She fell in the bathtub last week hitting her nose and mouth on the corner. When Izad asked her "did you fall?" she said "yah" "did you fall in the toilet?" she said "yah". All the leading questions!!

We have been using Nufayl to persuade Sarah to do anything esp use the potty. Now

when she goes to the toilet, she will say "Mama, you must tell Nufayl ok that I urine inside the potty"

The girls with Nufayl.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Two artists at work

This is the 2 artists putting paint on their artwork.

Discussing what to paint ;)

And making a mess!!

The final art piece...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Went to Sarah's first parent teacher meeting last week. teachers said that she was an outgoing girl who interacted well with her friends but when the teachers call her, she goes silent and bow her head down. they were not able to get her individual photo either as she refused to cooperate. so her cover page of her report book is not ready and her report book is blank... to think that next year her teacher is going to be different. she is going to take another 2 months to adjust to the new person!!

Have managed to get her back on track with her toilet training with fewer accidents but thumb sucking is still on full force. Oh yes and everything is now "why?"

Tasnym is really picking things up fast, can join three words together and mimics everything that Sarah does. So she is saying why? too whenever Sarah does that and the same question is repeated by both over and over ...

Sarah will say "Mama what are you doing, what happened to your face?" when mama puts on a face mask. "why mama why?"
Tasnym will then say "mama, wing? face? why?"

Friday, November 17, 2006

Child MC

Am on child mc today as Sarah is having fever... Had it since last night,,, was quite jealous when she did not want to come home last night and wanted to stay with my mum... Made me wonder whether I have really not been spending time with her which I think is true. Since she started school, she falls asleep either before I come to fetch her or in the car and wakes up when we are leaving the next morning... meaning she don't even see me actually...

I took the time to spend with her today... went to the playground and took photos using my new Canon 850IS really cool..

Also retraining her for potty... She really works with peer competition... Has been telling her that Nufayl no longer wearing pampers and she has been motivated again... sigh...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My Lil Artist

Sarah's drawing of a spider... unfortunately, Tasnym had erased off the mouth!!
Sarah is turning out to be a lil artist... think she got it from her father... the spider looks like a spider!! Need to wait and see Tasnym's artistic abilities too!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Toilet Training

Who says toilet training is easy? It is not at all. For a time, it appeared as if we were successful in training Sarah but now she is regressing... Is insisting on wearing diapers again and refusing to go to the toilet to pee.. I think school and getting sick last month played a part... I now have to work on it again this coming school holidays but she is difficult to handle when she is obstinate and refusing to go to the toilet... makes me feel like I am abusing her or forcing her to do something bad... sigh..

Sarah... sucking her thumb.. at 5 months old... then it was cute... now it is irritating... her thumb is all blistered up!

She is also reverting in sucking her thumb.. not sure what is going on with her... we actually managed to get her to stop for a while but now nothing seems to be working... she actually is worsening... will suck her thumb anywhere and everwhere... maybe it is due to some anxiety but I'm not sure...

Now she is also insisting on sleeping with lights on, insisting on wearing her dirty clothes and diapers after a bath... It is very frustrating and puzzling...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sarah's School Life

Sarah started her nursery classes at Hungry Caterpillar Kindergarten in Jul 06. However, she did not even last beyond 2 weeks. She cried everyday and refused to wear her uniform.. I suspect that its cos from the first day she was taken away from me by her teachers, she got traumatised. She is after all very shy and needed time to warm up to strangers. I was also very unhappy that the bus took one hour to drive her back from Ubi to Eunos!!

So we took her out and now she is in Hanis Montessori Kindergarten. I got to be with her for one whole week and I think that really helped... For one thing, she likes going to school and wears her uniform... except of course there would be days when she gives her nenek a big headache in not wanting to change her pampers and not wanting to wear the right uniform... to me as long as she goes to school.. I'm not complaining.

Sarah in Hanis Montessori uniform with Tasnym wearing the tudung!

Sarah refuses to wear the tudung and only wore it for the class photo... However, the teacher is complaining that she is not exactly cooperating... I think she dance to her own drum... Not going to be easy to the teachers until they gain her trust...And to think this is a montessori program meaning that lessons are taught one on one. Gosh, I hope she gets to do some learning cos if she persist in not going to the teachers, she is not going to learn anything!! Well she does come home from school telling me her friends names and everything... even calls herself a boy as her class is dominated by boys! Also quite happy that she can say bismillah in complete and would sit and "recite doas"...

Teachers were asking whether she wants to participate for the year end concert and I said no. I know that Sarah is not going to cooperate... don't think she'll even go up the stage!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Eid 2006

Our family together... Can't get them to cooperate to take another photo!

Can't get them to cooperate to take a photo together... Tasnym, sit still!!

So pretty... bought the baju from JB...

We stayed over at Tok Chek's house at Taman Rinting this year.. But cos its a terrace, not really feeling the Raya spirit that was present last year at Majidee..

This year, both girls were down with cough and cold. Tasnym had a 39 deg fever on the first night and had to cut down on our visits. Had to do visit to the doc instead on 2nd day... sigh... Put in medication thru her anus to bring down her temp which was high for a few days... first time she has a fever... doc said it was an infection in her throat..

Made ketupat this year and had Lis to help cook it at the corridor.. Even sold some to the aunties.. he he can open ketupat shop... already getting orders for next year... Had a scare when we thot Tigger was missing, that he had left the flat when Lis left the door open... Even put up notices. Finally found him at home under Lis bed and she heard him meow... Must change the name of that cat... becoming too much of a tiger... all my curtains and deco becoming his toys... Tasnym was afraid of him and would scream when he comes near.. now would push him forcefully away if he comes too near..

Tigger on the scratching post he was supposed to share with Kiki...

he prefers to scratch the sofa set... sigh...

On Sun, we had an open house... never had so many people in our flat at any one time... lots of good food... courtesy of the two granny..

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Tasnym and Sarah

Tasnym is 18 months this month... time really flies.. And to think that Sarah was 17 months when Tasnym came along. I think I treated Sarah like a big girl more then and still see Tasnym as a baby now.

The other day was asking Izad when we are going for the third child and he said "Are you serious!! I can't cope with these 2 and you want to go for the third!!" Ha ha... And he was the one who was planning for sooo many kids.. We were saying that if we had had Tasnym first, I dun think the second one would be so fast in coming...

Even now I look at Tasnym, dun think we can cope with the 3rd what more with just her... but she is sooo cute...

I also worry that Sarah will feel overshadowed by Tasnym. Everywhere we go, people will rave over Tasnym, how fair, how curly haired, how cute and just bypasses Sarah... not that it bothered Sarah anyway considering she is soo shy... But I dun really like it that people dun give Sarah due attention... heh she is pretty ok!

Tasnym is having problems with hardened stools, she will scream in pain when she defecates and the other day, I helped her... there was blood and the sides of the anus was torn... imagine how I felt... I had to try pull out the shit, breaking it to make it pass easier out... Giving her prune juice and vitagen to soften her stools but not sure it is helping... not even sure what is it in her diet is making her stools harden... she can't eat bananas, thats for sure

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven