Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Oh Girl...

A few months ago, I asked Izad when we plan to have our third child and he said, "A re you serious? I can't even cope with these two and you are asking me about a third?" And this coming from a guy who has always been talking about having more children in the pre-Tasnym days. The same one who did not take me seriously (thinking that I would change my mind... which actually I did) when I clutched at his hand in my throes of labour pains and told him that I was not going to go thru this (ie labour pains) again.

A few days ago, in a hypermart in Malacca, in our struggles to manage Tasnym and trying so hard not to just tear our hair out in frustration, he said to Tasnym, "Adik, you make me think twice about having the third one". She refused to sit nicely in the trolley, refused to hold our hands while walking... her world was her own and decisions made as to where to go would only be hers..... irregardless of who were around her and that many were trying hard to avoid her from being hit by their trolleys. It does not even bother her when she can't see us (know this as I tried hiding from her view to see her reaction).

She hits Sarah, bites her nenek, rules our bed with both Izad and I clutching to the edges... sigh...

Playing inside a cupboard in our hotel in Malacca

Caught in the act playing with salt in a restaurant in JB...

So dun let that cute face fool you!

watch Tasnym fight for the stroller


Anonymous said...

Did you see the smile on Sarah's face as she left the stroller? She knows she's being recorded. Will look good on her record you know..

didiez said...

yes and the way tasnym then offer sarah a biscuit after she got the stroller?