Monday, April 16, 2007

Hand Foot Mouth Disease

Yesterday, Sarah came up to me and said that her hand was all pink. I looked at it thinking that she had done something to her hands and to my horror realised that it was covered with pink small pimples... Checked her mouth... no lesions/ulcers and went to the web to see a photo of the exact same pimples... HFMD

Called Izad numerous times as he had gone to washe the car and received no answer. I carried Tasnym who was being so cranky and dragged Sarah down to look for her Papa... no sight of him and off to the multi storey carpark to search... Tasnym absolutely refused to walk by herself and was too busy screaming away... It was all I could do to stop myself from screaming too...

Could not find Izad at the washing bay and was shouting for his name... people must think I was mad!!But it worked cos he popped his head from the top floor of the carpark and asked me what was wrong... I just shouted for him to come down... he must be wondering what was going on with me holding the girls at the base of the carpark..

We brought Sarah to a GP as it was a Sunday and her paeds was close. The doctor confirmed that there was a high suspicion of HFMD but the problem was that she refused to open her mouth to let him check for ulcers.

Izad though was not satisfied and wanted a second opinion so off to KKH we went. We were seen by the doctor super fast and he too could not confirm HFMD as Sarah did not have mouth ulcers saying that this may develop over the next few days. Alternatively, we could be seeing another viral infection instead.. And it was too late for Tasnym to be separated from Sarah as she had already been exposed.

Called the school today and was told that there were no other kids down with HFMD though they had receive notice from MOH that there was a rise in the number of cases... Checked the web and true enough. there were 490 cases last week compared to 300+ the week before... my daughter adding on to the statistics...

Problem though is... is it really HFMD and if yes, where did she get it from?

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