Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bad Parkers

You know who they are, the ones who park so close to the line or ones who park slanted that you can hardly open your doors. Don't tell me the drivers absolutely had no idea that they had caused such an inconvenience to others.

Luckily I'm still slim enough though I have to, many a times, hold my tummy deeply in to enter into the car. Bt things get bad when the girls are with me. How do you even put a child into their car seat and buckle them in when you can only the door open by about an inch??? And its not like I can tell my daughters to wait a while as I drive forward first to give me more space, I can only hold my frustrations inside. There were so many times when I really felt like writing a note and placing it on their windshield telling them how inconsiderate they had been. But sigh I'm too lazy...or simply had no paper and pen ready (excuses I know)

The other grouse I have about parking is when I have to do it at the multi storey carpark and am with the 2 girls. Can you imagine me struggling with 2 girls plus the multitude of bags, trapsing down 3 levels of the multi-storey carpark? What luck if either girls are sleeping... luckily has yet to encounter when both goes to sleep... I'll probably just stay in the car and wait for hubby to come.

Previously, I just parked by the block and so receive parking summons for illegal parking. Wrote letter of appeal and demanded for a solution to the problem. Well, I got the summon waived but absolutely no response in terms of a solution, HDB probably don't know how to solve their lack of proper planning when they first came up with the idea of multi storey carparks. Some multi storey carparks go up very high and there is no lift. How does that deal with people who are elderly, feeling sick or carrying lots of children and groceries? I was thinking that perhaps one option is to provide allowance for some people to park at the handicapped parking especially if they are elderly but realised how this can be easily subjected to abuse.

Best solution? Fit all multi storey carparks with a lift and it can be hydraulic (if I'm using the right term) so that they use less electricity.

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