Wednesday, July 25, 2007

No Matter What

2 weeks ago, I went for a scan and the doctor happily declared that the baby was to be a girl. My hubby said that my face changed at the announcement. But actually the change was not cause of the announcement but more cos I was puzzling how she could tell it was a girl considering that all I could see on the screen was the head and two legs sticking out... you mean I should be able to see a third "leg" in the middle if it was a boy??

So as you can tell, I am not all too convinced... and Sarah was quick to refute it later... "Don't tell me its a girl, its a BOY!!

I could not imagine what those mothers in India and China must be thinking and feeling when there is so much pressure for them to have boys that they have to kill their baby girls, either in pregnancy or at birth...

Anyway, for me it does not really matter... as much as I may hope for a boy, if God so decides that it is to be a girl, there must be a reason for his decision....the girl will be received with great welcome and open arms, with LOVE no matter what...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Racial Harmony Day

My two little beauties on Racial Harmony Day...

Little Vietcong? Carry gun somemore!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Baby's Sleeping Arrangement

I have been trying to work out a new sleeping arrangement with the girls for when the baby comes. These were their responses:

Sarah's Version
Mama: Tasnym, can baby sleep in your bed?
Tasnym: No! That's mine
Sarah: Mama, baby can sleep in my bed.
Mama: Oh that's nice, then where do you sleep?
Sarah: I sleep in the middle! (ie in between the parents and she said this with such glee!)

Tasnym's Version
Mama: Tasnym, can baby sleep in your bed?
Tasnym: No! That's mine!
Mama: OKlah, you sleep in your bed, kakak sleep in her bed, then baby would sleep with Mama
Tasnym (panicking): No! Mama, baby can sleep in my bed.
Mama: Then where do you sleep if baby sleeps in your bed?
Tasnym: I sleep with Mama.

Talk about being possessive!!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Not Adik... Tasnym!

I remember when Sarah used to call herself Sasha and then decided overnight that it was no longer Sasha but Sarah. We wondered how it would be with Tasnym... was she gonna call herself Tasha? It never got around to that as we have been calling her adik for so long, even when she was still in the womb that the name somehow got stuck.

When you ask her, What's your name? Her response? Aaaadik or better yet Adik Ariesha!!

So when she started school, we started on a mission of teaching her to say Tasnym... to no avail... it was still Adik Ariesha...

Two weeks later after the start of school... "No Mama, not adik... Tasnym" she suddely does not want to be called Adik anymore... Waah... my baby is growing up!! And I miss Sasha too...

Friday, July 06, 2007

Princess and Mickey

Sarah told me that she now wants to be a Princess when she grows up. Tasnym wants to be Mickey Mouse. So this National Day holiday, we would be travelling to Disney HK to fulfill both their childhood ambitions ... ha ha...

Heard though that the weather is gonna be super hot there then...

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Second Trimester

Its the 12th week already so come on... why is the nausea not easing up???!! Came to work today feeling sooo sick that I had to lie under my table to catch a doze.... the advantage of having a high wall cubicle...

I thot things were getting better esp since last week, the nausea eased up quite considerably ....or is it cause I was home last week? ... hmmm nausea at work....
work = nausea??

Am so tempted to go home right now... I've already thrown up twice this morning itself...