Monday, July 09, 2007

Not Adik... Tasnym!

I remember when Sarah used to call herself Sasha and then decided overnight that it was no longer Sasha but Sarah. We wondered how it would be with Tasnym... was she gonna call herself Tasha? It never got around to that as we have been calling her adik for so long, even when she was still in the womb that the name somehow got stuck.

When you ask her, What's your name? Her response? Aaaadik or better yet Adik Ariesha!!

So when she started school, we started on a mission of teaching her to say Tasnym... to no avail... it was still Adik Ariesha...

Two weeks later after the start of school... "No Mama, not adik... Tasnym" she suddely does not want to be called Adik anymore... Waah... my baby is growing up!! And I miss Sasha too...

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