Wednesday, July 25, 2007

No Matter What

2 weeks ago, I went for a scan and the doctor happily declared that the baby was to be a girl. My hubby said that my face changed at the announcement. But actually the change was not cause of the announcement but more cos I was puzzling how she could tell it was a girl considering that all I could see on the screen was the head and two legs sticking out... you mean I should be able to see a third "leg" in the middle if it was a boy??

So as you can tell, I am not all too convinced... and Sarah was quick to refute it later... "Don't tell me its a girl, its a BOY!!

I could not imagine what those mothers in India and China must be thinking and feeling when there is so much pressure for them to have boys that they have to kill their baby girls, either in pregnancy or at birth...

Anyway, for me it does not really matter... as much as I may hope for a boy, if God so decides that it is to be a girl, there must be a reason for his decision....the girl will be received with great welcome and open arms, with LOVE no matter what...

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