Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hong Kong 2007

Everything was just wet, wet, wet

It wasn't a good trip by anyone's standards, what with being caught in the rain 95% of the time and being evacuated out of Disneyland due to the incoming typhoon... Luckily, we managed to catch a very good Disney show before the park closed but didn't get to go on any of the rides.

Captain Jack Sparrow showing off his pirated rings!!

Tasnym surprised me with her show of fear of the Disney characters, refusing absolutely to take photos with them... She ran in fright at the hotel when Goofy went up to shake her hand. She insisted that this was not the same Goofy that she sees on the Disney channel!!

But we did get some pretty good buys. Despite all the rain, despite having to don raincoats as we walked around. AND despite the bad back pains and that by night, I could barely walk!! The shopper in me persisted!! We only had a brief respite from the rain when we went to the Ladies Market one night...

The funny thing was that we didn't understand what the cyclone warning no 8 meant and had to ask the Disney Park staff what it meant and what we should do as a result. He had a puzzled look on his face while explaining, probably wondering which planet we came from!!

When we were in Kowloon, we wondered why all the shops were closed as it was only drizzling and there were no hurricane in action. No night markets too and we hoped against hope that the shops would open later in the night but no hope there as the shops remained closed. It was only when we watched the news that we realised how serious the situation was and that all the offices were also evacuated...

Tasnym was a terror on the plane, refusing to be seated and belted. The steward kept reprimanding me for not keeping her belted.... yah easy for him to say... being so non-child focused, he even tried to talk to her like she was an adult to tell her that she needs to be seated and belted....

At meal time, she went from one passenger to another and shouted "Apple Sauce!" "Chilli Sauce!" Next time, Tasnym stays home and no way am I going to take a plane ride that is above 3 hours with her until she grows older and wiser!


Anonymous said...

Wow didiez,

u had a holiday with yr fam, with the new person in tummy too? so adventurous! Glad u had fun :)

Annur said...

I know exactly how you felt on the plane. Imagine a 9 hr flight to NZ with a 5 & 6 yr old who don't know how to sleep sitting down. Aisyah slept on the floor of the plane to the horror of the stewardess! I had to assure the SG Girls that I will not hold them responsible for any accident shoudl it happen.