Monday, October 01, 2007

Tasnym has a boyfriend!!

We trooped down to the school a few weeks back for the Parent teacher meeting - Tasnym's first. I was so proud to know that Sarah was doing very well in schoola nd that she was the most advanced in her class. She was described to be a very focused person, determined to complete her tasks that the teachers had to prepare her should it be her turn to be with the teachers.

Tasnym... hmmm... was another story... highly distractable... disrupting other kids, moving from one mat to another... ha ha... why am I not surprised.

Wat was more surprising was that Tasnym has a best friend who is a boy named Adam - hee hee a boyfriend!! They would hold hands together and walk around, what was more funny was that she would dictate what he could play with each day!! Queen control!! She would also not want to queue up with all the other girls and insist on queuing with the boys. Well... sometimes she does say she is a boy.

When I told my mum, she said "No wonder, everytime Tasnym gets off the school bus, she would only say goodbye to Adam and no one else!"

Izad has been trying to 'scold' her for having a boyfriend dictating what she can and cannot do - eg. cannot hold hands with Adam etc or he would put Adam in time out!! But talking to Tasnym is like talking to a multi-channel TV, it switches channel so fast that you dun know what she is talking about or whether she even listens!

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