Saturday, November 10, 2007

More Maid Blues

Finally! I got to choose a replacement... This one better be better... I warned the agent that I am going to hunt him down should this one screw up too since he recommended this one so much... hmmm... why am I putting so much faith in his choice considering he recommended the present one??!!

In the meanwhile, I am still sucking my own blood and eating my own heart out with the antics of my maid... sigh...

3 days ago, cos I asked her to take out some Dettol cleaner, she nicely revealed that she had finished up my Dettol soap cos there was only a little bit left... Honestly I dun even remember having that Dettol soap but the point that I questioned was how she could use my stuff without asking my permission first! And she kept justifying by saying that there was only a little left... and that made it ok??

Soon after that, I realised that she was using my baby's towel to clean the girls's toys... oh my God!! Her excuse... she forgot... the towel is in your hands and you can forget?

2 days ago, I pointed out to her that the bathtub was dirty with black scum on the rims. Her excuse... its not scum, its the black glue that holds the bathtub to the wall.. and silly her, she tried to pull at the glue only to discover that the silicone glue is WHITE and black scum was falling off the glue...

Last night, I pointed out to her that the tiles around the sink is dirty... this time she tried to tell me that the cement grout is naturally black... I told her to get the cleaner and I cleaned the tiles in front of her to prove to her that the colour is WHITE!!

And my girls seriously reject her... no holding hands, no carrying... people are telling me that children are the best indicators that something is not quite right when they reject that person... My mum told me that the maid was heard asking the girls "You like it is it that I get scolded by nenek?" And yet again she was caught sleeping, this time squatting by the side of the back toilet.

My hubby and I believe that while in Indon, this maid was actually leading an easy tai-tai life which makes it hard for her to adjust to the rigours of work-life. To think that she blows on her hand to cool it down after she finished cutting some chillies!! Hmm.. hello!! I dun enter the kitchen that much and I am a much better cook and not so spoiled as to react to some chilli sting!!

Oh God... please help and guide me in passing through this challenge... for I do not know how much more I can take... and please God... let the next one be good...

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