Thursday, November 29, 2007

She speaks Malaysian??

Well I sent my old maid to the agent without much funfare or fuss... she was very calm and collected I would say... perhaps already prepared for the possibility... for someone who cries so much and usually for no reason, as what she claims, she barely teared that day.. she did not even ask forgiveness from me... just said thank you at the end. well, she must be feeling relief too in getting away from me as much as I am getting away from her.

Got the new maid the next day and she shocked me the first time she opened her mouth... sounding like a Malaysian!! With her takpe, takde and all the lahs, she can easily pass off as a Malaysian instead of Indonesian. On a personal level, I like her but whether she passes the mark as a maid, remains to be seen...

So far she showed a good learning attitude and I dun feel irritated by her... yet... Even the girls seemed to have taken to her.. Sarah told her dad that she likes this bibik and does not like the previous one...

Even my hub was saying that he feels a difference with her as compared to our previous one, for whom there was a distance somewhat a barrier in our interactions... language aside... I just didn't have that level of comfort with her ... I felt that she was guarded and non-responsive.. I've told her many a times that I felt like I was talking to a wall when I talk to her.. We did not click.. Oh well.. I do wish her the best..

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