Saturday, April 18, 2009

Join me, join me...

I have to say that I am truly amazed at myself and the progress I have made. I went from someone who basically had not been exercising for a supremely long time last Oct to exercising almost every day now! Going from not even able to survive 5 min on the treadmill to now going for 30 min non-stop without any problems...

See what a little effort can do? It just takes one step forward to get moving and grooving and soon, it would be that much easier.... trust me.... I know many have said to me... "I can't".... "I won't be able to do that".... etc etc.... hey, I was there and I know too how hard it was to even start... I was one of those who was saying... "I can't" too....

But I made that resolution to start and start I did... albeit very slowly... just dun push yourself too hard, I started off at once a week, low impact... slowly building in exercises into my lifestyle and now here I am, going to the gym 4 times a week, going aerobics once a week and changing my weekend lifestyle to be one that is more active - bringing the kids for rollerblading and such...
I told myself basically that I cannot wait for others and if I want to do something about my weight and my fitness, its got to start with me... so what if I am alone in the gym or dunno anyone in the aerobics class? at least I dun have to worry that people I know are laughing at how uncoordinated I am or how my flabs jiggle as I turn!

And I've got to say I simply love my Wii.... I have yet to lose in boxing I tell u! and Wii Fit is soooo fun! It really helps to you to keep grooving and moving and in such a fun way too! Wii Sports is my next favourite....

I have even inspired others in my office to join me.... that simply amazed inspiring others to go to the gym?

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