Saturday, April 04, 2009

What's inside your nose, Tasnym?

My kids seem to be developing all sorts of bad habits recently and it is driving me up the wall! What with Sarah having her thumb in her mouth..... although thats nothing new.... but she is turning 6 this year!!! and she does not seem any nearer to getting rid of the habit.... the irritating thing tho is her purposely putting her thumb in her mouth so that I will see it and scold her for it... her way of finding attention! Its cute when she was a baby... but definitely not cute now... I dun even want to smell her thumb! The nail has turned all brittle already... and she has also taken to biting her nails! Urgh!

If that is bad... Tasnym is perpetually having her finger in her nose! I seriously do not know whats in there that needs to be dug out almost every time of the day.... can a person have so much boogers?! In public mind you! Funny thing is when you address it with her, she will say "No, I neveeEErrr" with the finger still in the nose! And my mum has even caught her tasting the boogers too.... yuks, even the thought of it is so revolting! Oh God, people will think we never taught our kids properly... Once she is done with the nose, she will start peeling her lips making it all raw and red... she won't even allow me to put on lip balm to prevent it from peeling!

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