Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pimp my ride!

I bought my girls a cabriolet jeep last week ... toy one lah.... and they can jolly well buy their own car in future when they have saved up enough money on their own! It was quite big and I got it for a steal at a factory warehouse sale... it even has a remote that could be used to move the car around especially considering that Daniah can't drive! Cool right? Even I wished that I could fit in.... Funny thing though is the music that the car could play... irritating and loud ah lian songs! typical of something made in China! I can't understand why all those toys made in China somehow all play the same songs?!!?

Tasnym's princess cake... she had a princess cake for school too!

We celebrated Tasnym's fourth birthday last week on 19th and for a while she was in denial... insisting that she was 3 and not 4... and to think that its not like she was reaching 40! We had to talk to her in accepting that she was now 4... she was resisting being that much older... wanting to forever be a baby...

For the first time ever, I brought them to that play area in Downtown east.... I was initially thinking that only kids could go in the maze, only to realise later that even the parents were climbing along with their kids... so with Daniah on one arm, I climbed along... and what a workout it was... my muscles were aching!

Daniah in the ball area for toddlers under 3 .... though Tasnym was happily jumping in cos she says that she is still 3!

And we went to the zoo again.... seems like its becoming a ritual to go to the zoo on birthdays! But the water play area is definitely good and so much fun for the girls... and I'm sure for dear hubby too, who went in the water slides as well!

Daniah going down the water slide....

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