Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Primary One!

And its official! My first baby is in Primary 1. What a trooper as she walks up the bus and into the school without worry... except for the mummy shedding a tear by the side!

And off she goes in the bus with us following in the car behind... yeah fine we have joined the realms of kiasu parents.... but better than being accused of being neglectful right?

Off the bus and into the school... I am not the only parent taking photos and videos ok!

And to the canteen with her Primary 2 buddy... I was surprised to see how the canteen was condoned off to parents and the parents having to see their kids from afar... better than completely being barred entry into the school I guess... I can fully understand why too, what with the parents and grandparents hogging tables, the kids won't even have a place to sit!! Sarah could not even be bothered with her parents, preferring to sit and eat, only coming over when we kept asking her too... the Primary 2 buddy was all vigilant, running after Sarah and getting her to go back to their tables quickly!

Gone are the days when our mums used to peep from the classroom windows and were on hand at every recess! My mum was all anxious asking me why I was not staying in school with Sarah... not that Sarah even needed it!

Funny thing was that Tasnym was the one who missed Sarah the most, calling me multiple times to ask when Sarah was coming home! And what a joyous moment it was when both younger sisters went down to pick Sarah from the school bus! ha ha! Hopefully, this would make Tasnym stop fighting with Sarah so much! As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder....

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