Tuesday, March 23, 2010

No Way!

Wow, its been some time since I wrote. And the girls are really growing up fast. I feel like the days are just whizzing past me and can't even seem to catch hold of where the days have gone. Sometimes I wish that I could just make time stop for a moment to truly enjoy what is going on. Work really does not help with so much to do, time seems to just whizz past even faster.

I took some books on making jewellery from the library a few days back and gaze in envy at the beautiful creations. The interest is there and I know I can make them but I really do not have the time. It is only recently that I manage to restart my love to read... even then its after telling the girls to give me a few minutes either before or after I read to them at bedtime.

Daniah is really growing up so fast... favourite phase now? Oh Man! and No way! all from Dora Baby Gaga, her favourite show... funny thing is she still looks very much like a baby to us... to think that Sarah and Tasnym were big sisters at her age. She still looks too small and too much of a baby to ever be more than the small sister.

But don't undermine her, small she may be but she has a fiery personality... like the saying kecil kecil cili padi! This chilli padi is not afraid to assert her rights and pull her small weight around. Also a true parrot, who absorbs everything Tasnym does and then copy! Both are partners in crime but when they fight... oh man!

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