Sunday, December 02, 2012

It's been a long time

Seriously been long... 2 years plus... since I wrote anything here.  Just felt the pull to go in and read my blog and I felt that I should really continue this as it really helped me recall all those times as the girls were growing up. Videos and photos can only tell so much but not the feelings and thoughts that were going on within. Was kind of laughing at some of the things I was writing, things that I had completely forgotten abt Sarah, Tasnym and Daniah.

All these last few months, we had been lamenting on how we were struggling in managing Daniah, only for me to read on how we struggled with Tasnym those years. OK, now Daniah dont seem so bad! Ha ha!  We know she was a very chatty baby, and remains a very chatty 4 years old.

Daniah's main problem is her need to shout at the top of her voice.  There are some babies of the family who are quiet as they get drowned out by their elder siblings.  This baby of mine, makes herself louder to assert herself and ensure that she never gets drowned out!!  Drives home from work is not fun considering how I have to battle traffic and 3 loud voices from the back seat.  Loud singing and boisterous laughter is one thing.  Loud shouts and quarrels is another.  Oooh my eardrums!!

 4 years ago

1 year ago... let me root around for a recent one

Sarah is going to P4. She got a certificate for being in the top 25% of her school for her level, though I would not say the results is fantastic, I know she can do better in Maths.  But for the other subjects, she really has done really well.  Tasnym too has done well in her P1 exams.  She is the best behaved in school which makes us wonder what is it that the teacher has done, where we as parents have seriously failed??!!

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