Tuesday, April 08, 2014

And no 4 is here!

Gosh, I know, the length between my blogs are long but it is testimony as to how busy I am! It's funny reading the last few posts and reading about my deliberations in having another baby... Cos well, no 4 is here. Born on 23 Dec 2013, she is the latest addition and true to what I said before, there is never any guarantee no 4 was gonna be a boy. Yup, it's a girl!

When we first announced the pregnancy to the girls, Sarah's reaction was "isn't tasnym and Daniah enough?" This after her excited reaction the year before in wanting to adopt! Well, it may have been a bad day with the younger sisters simply driving her nuts!

Fortunately, when the baby finally arrived, she was well received and there have not been any jealous fits to deal with. What we do have to deal with was the fights over who does get to carry the latest addition - Hana.

The older girls have been gems, helping out in the care sometimes to the worry of those adults around, fearing the worse as the baby is jostled and bounced around, not too gently!

Well, it is back to waking up for night feeds but it has not been too bad. I would have to say that Hana has even brought the family closer than before.

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