Thursday, April 10, 2014

Too Many?

Our weekends, and definitely our weekdays are filled to the brim! With netball practice, tution classes, religious classes, swimming and piano lessons, some have said that my girls have too many activities.

Our Netball Shooter

There was a recent article in the press where a parent complained about the amount of time that her child is spending in CCAs and asking for a review of this. My thoughts are that it should not be the no of hours on CCA that should be reviewed but the no of hours on curriculum and homework to make it more balanced.  Sarah does complain that she has no time to finish her homework as she finishes late after netball practice.  Thing is, I do feel that CCAs help to develop character while I am sitting here trying to figure out what exactly homework hopes to achieve. If it was supposed to help better understanding, shouldnt that be happening through good teaching. If for practice what was learnt, why cant it happen in school?

None of the activities are anything that the girls were forced into. When we got feedback that Tasnym did not have the interest nor the inclination for piano playing, we stopped her lessons, although I would say 3 years of fees too late.  I couldnt believe how someone who had been attending lessons for 3 years still could not recognise the notes which truly showed her lack of interest in the art. Though I would have to say I wasnt too pleased with the music school for not having given me feedback much earlier.  I have to admit I had been lazy too in not having asked her to practise or in checking on her progress. 

Both of the older girls are very into netball with Sarah's incination towards being a shooter and Tasnym as a centre. Daniah, however, has completely opted out quoting the sun and the heat as her reasons against it! She has seriously been hard to please. Bugging me for months to attend ballet class, only to back out 5 minutes into the start of the trial class. Bugging me again to go for rollerblading class, only to fail her first safety class for refusing to learn how to fall down! Luckily she has kept to her piano lessons though there had been moments when she showed signs of wanting to quit too...

Why do I do this? Well it is more to expose the girls to various experiences. Some may think that I am stressing out my kids but the thing is, none of those classes has an exam component to it. The idea is for them to learn a craft and to have fun doing it. So the piano lessons are meant to teach them to play without any exams. We have also exposed them to snorkeling and wall climbing as longas its within our financial capacity. Next up, flying lessons anyone?

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