Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mummy peeves

What's your mummy peeve? Mine is waking them up early for school. I absolutely hate it especially whdn they just go back straight to sleep! And here you are screaming repeatedly for them to wake up.

Funny times would be when they are woken up mid dream and starts talking nonsense "i need to take out the hairbrush first!" That coming from daniah, which is of no surprise knowing how vain she is, that her dreams would be of her grooming herself!

Bad times would be when they start throwing a tantrum for being woken up. As if this is something i had even really wanted to do!

I threw the towel with Sarah and made it clear to her that I would no longer wake her up for school, and it worked! Well to an extent... i will switch on her room light, switch off the aircon and pull off her blanket and thats the extent of it... oh and of vourse raising my voice a little more when i wake tasnym up such that the order carties to the other room! Even then, one time we found her still asleep as we were leaving which led to a mad rush on her part! Well, hope its a lesdon to her and a reminder that I meant it when I told her I was no longer going to wake her up for school...  am itching to start this with tasnym too!

Funny thing though is that they have no problems whatsoever in waking up on their own and getting ready when going for events they really want to go for! Figures..

Monday, August 29, 2016

night woes

I seriously do not know what is going on with Daniah.  For slightly over the last month, she has been refusing to sleep in her own bed and insisting to sleep by my bed on the floor.

It all started about 2 weeks into Ramadan.  She will wake me in the middle of the night telling me that she cant go back to sleep and insisting that I accompany her.  Things were fine prior to that.  We just moved home, they had a new custom made bed, and Tasnym and Daniah were sharing a room nicely.

I am not sure what triggered it.  She insists there was nothing disturbing her and that she just didnt have anyone to talk to at night which dont quite make sense.

Tired out after not having very good sleep over a few nights, I decided enough was enough and asked her to sleep on the floor in my room.  My intended plan of having her being tired from sleeping on the floor didnt quite work out as she has nicely settled in there for the last one month or so.

fast forward to now and she is still sleeping on the floor.  Well she no longer wakes me up at night as much which is a fantastic improvement but I end up having to deal with her being on the floor.  Not to mention the other sister who now searches for someone to accompany her at night when she sleeps!

It becomes a musical bed at night in my home.  Even the helper had to desert her own room and start sleeping with Tasnym...  I really am wondering how long this is going to last.  And to think we spent so much on that bunk bed... sigh

Thursday, August 25, 2016

stay at home mum

I never considered myself as someone who could be a homebody. I am so easily bored and always thought I am going to be the worse mum ever if I were to just stay home and care for them. Now I am no longer too sure about that. For the first time ever, I start thinking about being a full time stay at home mum.
3 of my cousins are doing it and I have got to say that I do envy them. maybe, it 's because work is no longer giving the same satisfaction it used to. And as the girls grow older, I know that Hana's young years are going to fly past very quickly.
I've got to say I do miss being with the girls at home. can't say I like other parts abt being at home like having to clean up but I 've got to say that the idea of staying home don't seem to look so bad. 

My flower in full bloom. pretty eh?

Reflections of a parent

Two things struck me hard as a parent today. The first was when we drove past Rachel's home early this morning. I kind of recalled that her birthday was coming up knowing that it was close to Sarah's own birthday.

As we drove past, I was brought back to the day when I was last at the house. On the day of her funeral after she was brought home from Kinabalu. It struck me how the parents may be feeling now. knowing that their daughter is frozen in time to be forever 11 years never to celebrate her birthday ever again. And it made me appreciate the fact that I still have my children with me. To lose your child is the most painful thing a parent could ever go through. I cannot imagine the pain.

My visit to AWWA in the afternoon brought abt the second reflection for the day about parenting. I saw the beauty of the children there coupled with the challenges it posed. As I stood there watching the parents send their children to the school , it struck me how much the kids are loved and cared for. That their disability did not make them less loved. They are not easy to love not easy to care for.

I was struck by the sharing by a parent on how they are challenged each day even to bring the child out. As they face the stares of others
And how we need to develop inclusion of society so that others do not bat an eyelid when they see a child with disability.
Caring for a child with disability is hard enough. Why do we then make it even harder for them? When we ostracize them and make a wide berth around them.

Parenting is hard enough

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

starting school

And so Hana is starting her journey into School life very soon
She has been registered to start at Hanis Montessori this upcoming year.
Not that she has not gone for any school yet as she has been attending parent and child classes at the Growing UP Gifted just like her sisters before. The difference thouqh is that she is attending the mandarin class with both of us trying to catch up and understand what Lao Zhi (hmmm... did I get that right?) is asking us to do! 

It is kind of ironic that as much as she has learnt a little mandarin (like the words all little kids love - piku or buttocks.... to think of it what is it with kids and buttocks or other language variations of it?), she somehow does not speak Malay though the bibik tries hard to speak to her in the language.

Well not so much she does not speak it at all but the words are spoken with an English twang to it! To the chagrin of the grandparents!

Nenek: ini ikan (pointing to fish)

Hana: no not eecan, this is fish!

Football dreams

And the third golden girl is Tasnym who won her first ever gold in football about 2 months ago.  It was indeed a blessing in disguise when she was denied a place in the netball team and was offered to play in the football team instead.  Girls football is indeed growing in popularity with more clubs and schools offering the option.

Well it certainly made the father's day to finally have someone follow his footsteps in this all girls zone. And off they went to buy her a pair of football boots with her name embroidered on it!

Well I am not going to lie in saying that she was a ronaldo in the making.  That I would say lie in the twin power foreign talents the school had in 2 girls who played and dribbled the ball like stars easily earning themselves the award for top scorer and best player.

Whatever it is, the gold is around her neck, the appetite is whet for more football action and definitely many more gold medals.

The Golden Girls

Not only did Schooling get the first Olympic gold medal for Singapore last week, we got a gold medallist in our family too.  Well ok it is not an Olympic gold Medal but still a gold medal nonetheless
Sarah received her first gold medal at the pesta Sukan 2016. I do believe it is her first gold medal ever. With her previous medals being silver and bronze.
A proud moment with the same gold medal pose good for any Olympian ! we can always dream...
And the medal was stolen by another wannabe who is also dreaming big dreams!