Thursday, August 25, 2016

stay at home mum

I never considered myself as someone who could be a homebody. I am so easily bored and always thought I am going to be the worse mum ever if I were to just stay home and care for them. Now I am no longer too sure about that. For the first time ever, I start thinking about being a full time stay at home mum.
3 of my cousins are doing it and I have got to say that I do envy them. maybe, it 's because work is no longer giving the same satisfaction it used to. And as the girls grow older, I know that Hana's young years are going to fly past very quickly.
I've got to say I do miss being with the girls at home. can't say I like other parts abt being at home like having to clean up but I 've got to say that the idea of staying home don't seem to look so bad. 

My flower in full bloom. pretty eh?

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