Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Can I have a baby brother?

 Early 2018، T asked whether she could have a baby brother. My immediate response was a no. I mean I wasn’t exactly getting any younger and I don’t think my body could handle another pregnancy.  Her response was for us to adopt instead. Where was this need for a baby brother coming from??

Fast forward to Aug and I wasn’t feeling too good. A quick test revealed that I was indeed pregnant … with number 5… at 44! Feeling scared was an understatement. What I googled stated that 1 in every 5 pregnancy above the age of 40 ended in a miscarriage and I don’t look forward to being part of that statistic. My husband was in complete denial and refused to believe the test kit, cos he said it was a generic Guardian brand (roll eyes)

We agreed not to tell anyone till we got confirmation from the doc. I remembered asking Dr Heng what I needed be careful of. She essentially scoffed and said I wasn’t even her oldest patient (it was a 52 year old lady who was pregnant at the same time as her daughter!). Dr Heng assured me that all is well as long as I took care of my health. 

With that, we decided to break the news to the girls first and held off from telling anyone else.  T’s response - is it going to be a baby brother?

And that was the start of our journey with number 5


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