Thursday, December 02, 2021

Hospital hospital

 Got to say that 2019 was a year of hospital stays. One for Hana, one for me to deliver Hanz and one for Hanz. A year of expensive hospital stays, thank God for insurance.

Both Hana and Hanz had bronchitis which started off from coughs that just didn’t go away but worsened.  It was the first time that any of our kids ever ended up in hospital and to have 2 within 6 months was tough. Hanz was only 4 months old. He was a cheerful baby which helped.


Hanz’s birth

I remembered it being the second day of the fasting month and I was at work that morning.  A check up showed that I was 5 cm dilated and we went to buy lunch so that I could break my fast before labour.  Got to say though that the child birth was easy. Mistakenly thinking that I had negative reactions to the painkillers in previous child births, I went for a total painkiller-free birth. Thankfully, it was a short labour at 1.5 hours and out he popped at 6 pm. 

And I was totally wrong about the painkiller. I wasn’t having a reaction to them. I went into full shivering mode after labour as my body went into a shock response. I could have had a pain free birth! Oh well…

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