Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Maid Blues

The agency just told me that I've got to wait a while more as the agency in Indonesia has just reopened after Lebaran and are now in the midst of recruiting new maids... Oh goodness me to wait for yet 2 more weeks before new biodatas come in and then another month more as they process the applications...

I wonder whether I could wait... this maid of mine is simply driving me nuts and as my hubby said, simply getting on my nerves. I dun think thst it is in anyway good for me or for her to be scolded everyday, I dun want to scold but the things she does just simply irks me... Well, when you dun like a person, everything they do just is wrong someway or other..

Now she hovers around the girls, in our presence at least, that my hubby calls her a housefly... But the thing that truly pisses me off is the hypocrisy! When my mum was praying and she was suppose to mind the girls for that 5-10 mins, Sarah slipped and hit her mouth against the floor leading to a bleeding lip... my mum said that she rushed out to find the maid sitting there just looking as Sarah got up crying. The maid did not even move as my mum tended to the girl until she was told to get a towel. Why act in front of us that you care when actually you simply don't!

The other funny thing was her allowing Sarah to draw with a magic ink all over both her arms and she did not do anything! She told me she didn't stop Sarah as she didn't want the girl to cry but Sarah told me that she just stood there and laugh as Sarah was doing it. I believe Sarah as this maid has the weird behavior of laughing at inappropriate moments.

She made such a big show the other night of bringing in a botol kueh to top it up just cause my hubby took one muruku from the bottle, even though the bottle was still so full. When I went to the main table, there were 2 other bottles that were almost completely empty! You mean you want to top up a bottle that is still full but not those that were empty?? Or is this all just a show?

As you can tell, I am royally pissed with her... it has gotten to the point where I dun even want her to touch my children... not good I know... so how am I supposed to last another 2 months of waiting for another maid???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi... salam perkenalan... its seem that your maid sama perangai dengan my maid. Dah lah kuat tidur, everyday petang she mesti take a nap. She's been with me for 3.5mths.. tapi kerja semua tk auto.. smua nak kene cakap baru buat. tak tau nak prioritise her work. padahal dia cuma buat kerja rumah jer while i still do the cooking. kadang2 makan hati betul.. skrang hari2 mesti kene marah.. itu pun dorang masih tk faham...