Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hey, she's 5!

She has been protesting strongly insisting that she is still 4 whenever anyone has the audacity to say that she is 5 this year.  Well, she is the year end baby and probably wanting to remain a baby in every way, if she has her way.  Sometimes she does baby talk which infuriates us or would just prefer to shout and scream which also infuriates us - a lot!

Seems like the problem is getting worse lately.  She practically shouting most of the time.  I am not sure what to do really to deal with this. We have tried ignoring whenever she asks for something by shouting, which works for the time but she will revert to shouting again when the need arises.  She, of course, shouts whenever she wants to get her way with her sisters.  I have tried time out but she will probably be going into time out numerous times in the day the way she goes.  And I doubt my mum would bother to continue on with it.

The other thing I worry about her is that she has yet to read on her own.  She can read small words but nothing beyond 4 words or those that somehow does not follow the phonetics rules.  I know she will catch up soon enough.  She does show herself to be incredibly smart other times, clearly outshining her sisters when it came to thinking on her feet and coming back with smart ass responses!!

I cant believe my baby has turned 5, oh gosh!

My cuzzie came down from Australia with his 2 sons and we had a blast with 4 families enjoying our time at the theme parks in JB. It brought back memories of how we were when we were growing up, going out for excursions together. The cousins really enjoyed ourselves and we were close because we grew up and played together.  I really want that for my kids too.  I know they cant get cousins from my being an only child but I was hoping that my brothers in law would start having kids too, soon enough. But watching my kids have fun with my cousins' kids allows me to hope that they too would benefit from the strong family ties that they can turn to in times of need.

Looking at the photos remind me of the photos we cousins used to take, all in a line from the shortest to the tallest, maybe we should ask our kids to do the same!!

I read about the shooting in the US that killed dozens of small kids aged 6-7 years old and how a mother grieved for the loss of her child and I can only cry as I feel her pain.  As a fellow mum, I can empathise with what she feels though I may not have lost a child or ever want to experience such a loss.    I have always felt that when a person dies, the greatest pain is felt by those left behind, especially in such senseless killing when you have to grapple not only with the loss but the meaning behind it all.

Watching my children play, I can only pray that they be protected from harm and that God will grant them a long life, allowing for them to experience happiness and joy in seeing their dreams come true.

Happy Birthday Daniah and here's praying that God will give you many more years to come.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Maybe Baby?

People around are always quick to ask whether we would go for the 4th child after knowing that we have 3 girls.  What, is there a sure-fire guarantee that just because we have 3 girls, we would end up with a boy?  Anyway, did anyone say that we actually wanted a boy?

My feelings are ambivalent really.  I really love babies and part of me do want one... nothing to do with wanting a boy... I even have pros and cons about either gender. I was telling the hubby the other day that I wanted a baby cos Daniah is no longer a baby and he was asking whether I would then want yet another one once the new baby is no longer a baby? Hmmm... Funny thing was that I was at a family event the other day and was watching a group of boys boisterously wrestle around and generally running amok.  I went hoem that day and told him, ok I change my mind... but it can be a girl... and then I get the girls shouting and screaming and quarreling with one another... ok, not really helping in convincing anyone about having another child around the house.

We put the question to the girls and Sarah's immediate reaction was "Are we going to adopt? When? I want!"  Where did she even learn about the notion of adoption? My friends think that some little ears have been eavesdropping on my work conversations!
Tasnym's reaction was "I want, I want, when can we get?"
Hey you think what ah? Buy from a shop is it?

Daniah's was the easiest.  A simple "No"
I mean, come on, why would the one who is getting so much attention now want something that would be a competitor right?

So, I really don't know... Some parts of me is scared of having to go through that whole pregnancy bit again, the morning sickness etc and I am not exactly a spring chicken.  And the biggest question of all is can we actually cope.  Someone told me that the size of the car is the best family size determinant.  I mean if you have a 5 seater, you can only have 2-3 children (with car seats) or they can't all fit into the car.  If you have a 7 seater, then you can have 4 children with the maid but no boot space... hmmm...I wonder how my Malaysian cousins with their 7 kids (and more) pack in all the kids during their long drives around?

To have to go through all that night feedings is yet another deterrent... but but... babies they are just so cute!

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Kid Peeves

OK we all love our kids, or should I say most of us do... some of us are indifferent to our kids and I know a small minority who actually hate their kids.  Same way that we love our husbands, there are just some things they do that simply riles us up.

With my kids, some of the things they do simply drive me up the wall.  Take Daniah, who talks at top decibels all the way, its amazing I have not lost my eardrums or two... or should I say maybe I already have.  I seem to be suffering from hearing difficulties these days. Not surprising considering how loud shouts and screams can be in confined places like the car. I seriously do not look forward to the drive home from my mum's home daily, as not only do I get one loud screaming voice, I get 3! It's like a conspiracy to see who can drive Mama up the car wall or a conspiracy against each other to make sure NOBODY gets air time! It's mad, everyone will be quiet until one soul decides to open her mouth, the other 2 will quickly interrupt with some story of their own.

Dun let that face fool you! It carries loud decibels!

With Sarah, her thumb sucking is something that once used to be so cute, but now at 9 years old, just looks simply off! We have tried everything, the nail stop etc but nothing worked as she continued to such her thumb. I seriously wonder when she would stop.  I couldnt believe it when one of my former helpers shared that her daughter was still sucking her thumb at the age of 15 years! Ooookay... 

Interestingly, Sarah shared that her close friends is aware of her thumb sucking habit and that they too have shared about how they too are still sucking their thumbs or drinking milk from a milk bottle. Hmm, nice to know Sarah...

As for Tasnym, its her tendency to cry at the drop of a hat. I mean life is a huge crisis to this girl.  She reacts first, only to quickly turn off the tap when she realises that what she initially thought was not true.   But amazing is her ability to turn the tear tap on and off. She is really true to her name of being a fountain... though I am not too sure about it being in heaven..

Friday, December 07, 2012

Got kissed by the chicken?

Tasnym is down with chicken pox.  I was quite suspicious when I first saw the marks on her body but quickly dismissed my initial thoughts as she was immunised against it and she did not have any marks on her tummy/chest. No fever too.

We spent the day in USS and there we met my cousin who quickly said that it appeared to be chicken pox. A quick check down her t-shirt showed one red spot on her chest. So off to the doctor we went after contaminating USS, and he confirmed the diagnosis.  He said that it was mild as she was immunised but caught it as she did not get a booster.  Thing is I do not recall him telling me of the need for any boosters.  So possibility of Daniah and Sarah getting it is there too since they too were immunised but no boosters.  I too have no way of separating them. Anyway, its too late!

This is the same girl who would refuse to take any kind of medication. And she refused to have the cream applied beyond that one time cos it was itching too much.  Miracle cream though it was as the marks dried up so fast and stopped itching.  I can still remember my time suffering from chicken pox with calamine lotion all over but offering scant relief.  My mum then found this leaf, which I have no memory of what its called, that was pounded and made into a paste to be applied to all the marks.  I am still left with one massive crater on the tip of my nose from the pox. And the agony of having to stay home for two whole weeks! This girl will probably just stay home for a week at most.

The girls have been asking why it is called chicken pox. I have no clue! The papa told her its cos she got kissed by a chicken in the night, ha ha!

So how did chicken pox get its name? And isnt it interesting that despite years and years of being around, no cure has been found.  The medication you get alleviates the symptoms but does not rid the person of the virus, same as HFMD.  I think the scientists are spending too much time on cancer and the big diseases that not many wants to spend time on these other 'lighter diseases'. Its supposed to be contagious a day or two before you see the spots and remains contagious until the scabs form.

To think of it though, many of western medicine serve to just alleviate symptoms and not deal with the virus itself...

Monday, December 03, 2012


Was rifling through old photos and really found some gem that I have completely forgotten abt! Only thing is these days rifling through old photos means looking at soft copies on the computer and not in the album.

I was the dedicated mum before making sure I printed every photo and mark them out etc but by the time the third one came along, I am not sure I even completed her first album. The 2 older ones even have a first year video montage, uhm with Tasnym's just ha;f done actually. But today I completed Daniah's... well it helps to have a good software, was kind of scratching my head trying to figure out how to use iMovie but got it done anyhow.  Just waiting for it to get published.

Found this very old photo of the girls first meeting with Daniah and how they were fighting with each other to carry Daniah! The doctor set was a new toy that had been given to Tasnym by my friend, who is also her godma, Bee. Gosh, to see how much the girls have grown since then and Daniah is turning 5 in 3 weeks!

 It's the school holidays and not quite knowing what to do with the girls.  At least they are old enough to entertain themselves with Sarah at the piano and Tasnym the addict, playing some game or other on my iPad. Her iPod and her laptop have both been confiscated cos of her tendency to just play non-stop!  Was thinking of bringing the girls to the park but the rain spoils a lot of plans. Perhaps we can go to the new Sentosa Marine Park tomorrow... maybe...

Sunday, December 02, 2012

It's been a long time

Seriously been long... 2 years plus... since I wrote anything here.  Just felt the pull to go in and read my blog and I felt that I should really continue this as it really helped me recall all those times as the girls were growing up. Videos and photos can only tell so much but not the feelings and thoughts that were going on within. Was kind of laughing at some of the things I was writing, things that I had completely forgotten abt Sarah, Tasnym and Daniah.

All these last few months, we had been lamenting on how we were struggling in managing Daniah, only for me to read on how we struggled with Tasnym those years. OK, now Daniah dont seem so bad! Ha ha!  We know she was a very chatty baby, and remains a very chatty 4 years old.

Daniah's main problem is her need to shout at the top of her voice.  There are some babies of the family who are quiet as they get drowned out by their elder siblings.  This baby of mine, makes herself louder to assert herself and ensure that she never gets drowned out!!  Drives home from work is not fun considering how I have to battle traffic and 3 loud voices from the back seat.  Loud singing and boisterous laughter is one thing.  Loud shouts and quarrels is another.  Oooh my eardrums!!

 4 years ago

1 year ago... let me root around for a recent one

Sarah is going to P4. She got a certificate for being in the top 25% of her school for her level, though I would not say the results is fantastic, I know she can do better in Maths.  But for the other subjects, she really has done really well.  Tasnym too has done well in her P1 exams.  She is the best behaved in school which makes us wonder what is it that the teacher has done, where we as parents have seriously failed??!!