Saturday, December 08, 2012

Kid Peeves

OK we all love our kids, or should I say most of us do... some of us are indifferent to our kids and I know a small minority who actually hate their kids.  Same way that we love our husbands, there are just some things they do that simply riles us up.

With my kids, some of the things they do simply drive me up the wall.  Take Daniah, who talks at top decibels all the way, its amazing I have not lost my eardrums or two... or should I say maybe I already have.  I seem to be suffering from hearing difficulties these days. Not surprising considering how loud shouts and screams can be in confined places like the car. I seriously do not look forward to the drive home from my mum's home daily, as not only do I get one loud screaming voice, I get 3! It's like a conspiracy to see who can drive Mama up the car wall or a conspiracy against each other to make sure NOBODY gets air time! It's mad, everyone will be quiet until one soul decides to open her mouth, the other 2 will quickly interrupt with some story of their own.

Dun let that face fool you! It carries loud decibels!

With Sarah, her thumb sucking is something that once used to be so cute, but now at 9 years old, just looks simply off! We have tried everything, the nail stop etc but nothing worked as she continued to such her thumb. I seriously wonder when she would stop.  I couldnt believe it when one of my former helpers shared that her daughter was still sucking her thumb at the age of 15 years! Ooookay... 

Interestingly, Sarah shared that her close friends is aware of her thumb sucking habit and that they too have shared about how they too are still sucking their thumbs or drinking milk from a milk bottle. Hmm, nice to know Sarah...

As for Tasnym, its her tendency to cry at the drop of a hat. I mean life is a huge crisis to this girl.  She reacts first, only to quickly turn off the tap when she realises that what she initially thought was not true.   But amazing is her ability to turn the tear tap on and off. She is really true to her name of being a fountain... though I am not too sure about it being in heaven..

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