Friday, December 14, 2012

Maybe Baby?

People around are always quick to ask whether we would go for the 4th child after knowing that we have 3 girls.  What, is there a sure-fire guarantee that just because we have 3 girls, we would end up with a boy?  Anyway, did anyone say that we actually wanted a boy?

My feelings are ambivalent really.  I really love babies and part of me do want one... nothing to do with wanting a boy... I even have pros and cons about either gender. I was telling the hubby the other day that I wanted a baby cos Daniah is no longer a baby and he was asking whether I would then want yet another one once the new baby is no longer a baby? Hmmm... Funny thing was that I was at a family event the other day and was watching a group of boys boisterously wrestle around and generally running amok.  I went hoem that day and told him, ok I change my mind... but it can be a girl... and then I get the girls shouting and screaming and quarreling with one another... ok, not really helping in convincing anyone about having another child around the house.

We put the question to the girls and Sarah's immediate reaction was "Are we going to adopt? When? I want!"  Where did she even learn about the notion of adoption? My friends think that some little ears have been eavesdropping on my work conversations!
Tasnym's reaction was "I want, I want, when can we get?"
Hey you think what ah? Buy from a shop is it?

Daniah's was the easiest.  A simple "No"
I mean, come on, why would the one who is getting so much attention now want something that would be a competitor right?

So, I really don't know... Some parts of me is scared of having to go through that whole pregnancy bit again, the morning sickness etc and I am not exactly a spring chicken.  And the biggest question of all is can we actually cope.  Someone told me that the size of the car is the best family size determinant.  I mean if you have a 5 seater, you can only have 2-3 children (with car seats) or they can't all fit into the car.  If you have a 7 seater, then you can have 4 children with the maid but no boot space... hmmm...I wonder how my Malaysian cousins with their 7 kids (and more) pack in all the kids during their long drives around?

To have to go through all that night feedings is yet another deterrent... but but... babies they are just so cute!

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