A mama's world as this mama struggles through balancing parenthood with all the other roles she's got to play.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Maids and Brats
So back to an unconducive home envt we are going to have till the new one arrives!
And yes brats... I had a disturbing encounter with one of my hubby's nephew last weekend... a boy of only 5 years... he was playing at the slides, hanging around on the slide rather than going straight down when another boy and my daughter came sliding down... the inevitable happened and he got pushed down as well.. the thing that shocked me was him shouting at me "You stupid mother, you can see I am on the slide and yet you asked them to come down!" That really stunned me for a moment to be coming out from a 5 year old... honestly I dun remember having encountered such a thing before and this from someone who has encountered many children from various dysfunctional backgrounds.
I wondered where he had learnt or seen such a behavior for children act what they see... I can only imagine him having seen some adults in his life behaving that way... children do what they see... this was also the same boy who some months ago, snatched the newspapers away from me as I was reading ... not just once but several times despite me admonishing him each time... and I am not exactly someone whom he sees regularly for him to be behaving in such a boorish manner. Oh goodness... if he does not get some restructuring now, I wonder what other things I am going to encounter from him in years to come.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Oh when oh when..
I am in my 37th week... funny thing though this time, I have yet to experience any braxton hicks.. what I do have is low back ache, pain in the pelvis, frequent trips to the loo, not only to pee but to clear the bowels, an increase in discharge that I wonder whether I've lost my plug and a feeling... a definite instinct that baby is gonna be out soon..
the pain in the pelvis tho is getting more frequent and I'm wondering whether I'm already having contractions without realising as I deal with pain in my back and sides... Oh well.. baby just get out soon ok?
I do wonder how she will look... like Tasnym or Sarah... would she have Tasnym's cheeky smile or Sarah's sweet one... cheeky or not, just dun bring along the fiery personality!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Maid woes
Today she shared the same with me when I asked her abt her work... said that the fear of me had been inculcated even at the time when she was at the training centre as she had been told that I was very fierce.. and she quoted incidences when i corrected her but the thing was that the corrections were done nicely and yet she still could not take it??? haizzz!
and she revealed that actually her hubby had not approved of her coming to work in Singapore and has demanded for her to return... Apparently his mum has sold of their house to fund him and his brothers to work in Malaysia... and the money would also be used to pay off her maid loan as well.. asked her whether he had approved when she went to the training centre and she said no... and she still proceeded??!!
the only saving grace is that she is willing to wait till i get a new maid before leaving.
to think that i thought that i had finally gotten a good maid... do they think that we are made of money to fund repeated changes in maids and having to go thru the training cycles over and over? I feel so cynical and jaded... wishing that i dun have to take a maid anymore but ... do i have much of a choice??
so back to the agency we go to choose yet another one... and hopefully the last one of the lot...
Saturday, December 01, 2007
At what price?
How many of us really stopped to think abt the plight of our fellow human friends who come from afar to work in Singapore, some under the same roof as us to earn a living... Its easy to complain abt them, the difficulties we face in managing them that sometimes we forget what they had to endure to be here... sometimes they too forget what made them come here in the first place causing them to behave in ways that may be incomprehensible to most of us.
My maid shared of how they are treated in the training centres before coming here to work.. they are made to eat cabbage soup with rice daily, scolded in front of others leaving very little dignity and basically not given much rights.. she shared of how their money is taken away from them... her husband tried to get it back but to no avail.. she shared of how the money I had given my ex-maid had already been taken away by the agency, possibly not to be returned... my heart ached at that... it was money that others gave her for Hari Raya and my hard earned money meant for her children... not for the agency! They are not allowed to practise their religion at the centres, prevented from praying ... why?
There had been other stories of other training centres treating maids brutally... how much is the MOM doing to curb such abuse and to ensure that the ladies who come here are protected? How much are these centres regulated to ensure that these women's rights are upheld? I have just heard of a case of some women who were brought in to work here only to be forced into prostitution...
At what price... to work here? They came for hope of a better life for their families... to be able to send back cash to fund education, medical needs or even simply a proper roof over their heads... at what price?
To think that these injustices may be perpetuated further in the homes they work in... some are lucky to get good employers who treats them well... others.... well...
Why take on a maid who is different from you religiously if you cannot accept the religious practices of that person? Why would you want to stop the maids from going to church, pray 5 times a day or fast? Shouldn't you appreciate it that they have a belief and faith in a higher being... to me it marks the character of a person, that they have beholden themselves to a higher being and therefore more cautious of committing sins... I am more cautious of people who have no faith in God.
Why would you want maids to be deprived of food? Isn't that a contradiction to the expectations you have of the maid in the first place... ie to work... and yet you deprive the maid of the things that enable them to do proper work? Is that income of $350 so much that you have to skimp on the food they eat?
To emotionally, psychologically and physically abuse them... why? Does that make you feel that you are a better person? I know that sometimes its hard to curb your anger especially when the maid behaves in ways that truly boils your blood... hey I've been there...and I know thats the reason why I had to also let my old maid go before she truly pushes me over the edge..
At what price... to work here? to earn a simple living ...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
She speaks Malaysian??
Got the new maid the next day and she shocked me the first time she opened her mouth... sounding like a Malaysian!! With her takpe, takde and all the lahs, she can easily pass off as a Malaysian instead of Indonesian. On a personal level, I like her but whether she passes the mark as a maid, remains to be seen...
So far she showed a good learning attitude and I dun feel irritated by her... yet... Even the girls seemed to have taken to her.. Sarah told her dad that she likes this bibik and does not like the previous one...
Even my hub was saying that he feels a difference with her as compared to our previous one, for whom there was a distance somewhat a barrier in our interactions... language aside... I just didn't have that level of comfort with her ... I felt that she was guarded and non-responsive.. I've told her many a times that I felt like I was talking to a wall when I talk to her.. We did not click.. Oh well.. I do wish her the best..
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I was in tears!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Child Deaths
The two previous deaths had both children completely alone at home. The child who recently died last weekend was left unsupervised for a few minutes as her parent went to change in the room... and she died as she fell off the balcony...wat made other parents think that their children will be safe if left for a few hours? Why do parents still do this? ... cos of the belief that nothing will happen to their child.. the "it won't happen to me/my child" syndrome..
Of late, there were other child deaths/accidents be it here or across the causeway and all of them bore similar characteristics... that children, not yet of age to ever be able to protect themselves adequately being left completely alone at home. The image of an 18 mth old child cringing with her face covered with her hands... frozen in death... is an image too hard to bear.. as she had been left alone with her 4 year old siblings and the house caught fire...
How many more of such deaths do we have to hear about?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Clingy Tasnym
Its Tasnym... we noted her being extremely sensitive, clingy and just difficult to deal with these past few days... Speculation is rife that its cos of the impending baby's arrival... I think so too as she is soo clingy to me and crying at the slightest admonishments. Oh gosh and I've got like 2 months more to go... even Sarah is getting the bane of Tasnym's tantrums which are so irrational and unpredictable.. not that 2 year olds are not very high on both indices already! Yesterday, I just told Izad that I wondered how many gallons of tears Tasnym has cried out just yesterday alone... and to think that her name means water that flows!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
More Maid Blues
In the meanwhile, I am still sucking my own blood and eating my own heart out with the antics of my maid... sigh...
3 days ago, cos I asked her to take out some Dettol cleaner, she nicely revealed that she had finished up my Dettol soap cos there was only a little bit left... Honestly I dun even remember having that Dettol soap but the point that I questioned was how she could use my stuff without asking my permission first! And she kept justifying by saying that there was only a little left... and that made it ok??
Soon after that, I realised that she was using my baby's towel to clean the girls's toys... oh my God!! Her excuse... she forgot... the towel is in your hands and you can forget?
2 days ago, I pointed out to her that the bathtub was dirty with black scum on the rims. Her excuse... its not scum, its the black glue that holds the bathtub to the wall.. and silly her, she tried to pull at the glue only to discover that the silicone glue is WHITE and black scum was falling off the glue...
Last night, I pointed out to her that the tiles around the sink is dirty... this time she tried to tell me that the cement grout is naturally black... I told her to get the cleaner and I cleaned the tiles in front of her to prove to her that the colour is WHITE!!
And my girls seriously reject her... no holding hands, no carrying... people are telling me that children are the best indicators that something is not quite right when they reject that person... My mum told me that the maid was heard asking the girls "You like it is it that I get scolded by nenek?" And yet again she was caught sleeping, this time squatting by the side of the back toilet.
My hubby and I believe that while in Indon, this maid was actually leading an easy tai-tai life which makes it hard for her to adjust to the rigours of work-life. To think that she blows on her hand to cool it down after she finished cutting some chillies!! Hmm.. hello!! I dun enter the kitchen that much and I am a much better cook and not so spoiled as to react to some chilli sting!!
Oh God... please help and guide me in passing through this challenge... for I do not know how much more I can take... and please God... let the next one be good...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Maid Blues
I wonder whether I could wait... this maid of mine is simply driving me nuts and as my hubby said, simply getting on my nerves. I dun think thst it is in anyway good for me or for her to be scolded everyday, I dun want to scold but the things she does just simply irks me... Well, when you dun like a person, everything they do just is wrong someway or other..
Now she hovers around the girls, in our presence at least, that my hubby calls her a housefly... But the thing that truly pisses me off is the hypocrisy! When my mum was praying and she was suppose to mind the girls for that 5-10 mins, Sarah slipped and hit her mouth against the floor leading to a bleeding lip... my mum said that she rushed out to find the maid sitting there just looking as Sarah got up crying. The maid did not even move as my mum tended to the girl until she was told to get a towel. Why act in front of us that you care when actually you simply don't!
The other funny thing was her allowing Sarah to draw with a magic ink all over both her arms and she did not do anything! She told me she didn't stop Sarah as she didn't want the girl to cry but Sarah told me that she just stood there and laugh as Sarah was doing it. I believe Sarah as this maid has the weird behavior of laughing at inappropriate moments.
She made such a big show the other night of bringing in a botol kueh to top it up just cause my hubby took one muruku from the bottle, even though the bottle was still so full. When I went to the main table, there were 2 other bottles that were almost completely empty! You mean you want to top up a bottle that is still full but not those that were empty?? Or is this all just a show?
As you can tell, I am royally pissed with her... it has gotten to the point where I dun even want her to touch my children... not good I know... so how am I supposed to last another 2 months of waiting for another maid???
Monday, October 22, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Lebaran 2007
However, the meeting with my grandparents this time was at the hospital as my grandad was hospitalised... yet again. It has been said that his heart is functioning at only 40% of its capacity. Somehow, it may be his last lebaran yet...
Both girls really enjoyed lebaran this year as both understood it better... Sarah even said that she was fasting whenever she did not want to eat what was given to her!!
But the frustrations had also been in dealing with my new maid... cos she is driving me up the wall... she clearly lacks initiative in doing work and has been caught sleeping so many times but the more pressing issue would be her lack of concern for the girls' safety. It amazes me how she can just watch Tasnym run onto the road while she stands calmly by the side. Now that it has been addressed with her, she has gone way over the other side, hovering all the time and simply driving the girls and me nuts. Her attempts tho seems more like driven by desperation to keep the job rather than any genuine concern on her part for the girls. Funny thing is that 2 days ago, my mum caught her dead asleep on the floor snoring away when she was supposed to be supervising Sarah at play.
We have gone to the agent but unfortunately there are no available ones at present due to the festive period...
Even our ketupat didn't turn out too well... sigh...
Almost into the 7 months now...
Monday, October 01, 2007
Tasnym has a boyfriend!!
Tasnym... hmmm... was another story... highly distractable... disrupting other kids, moving from one mat to another... ha ha... why am I not surprised.
Wat was more surprising was that Tasnym has a best friend who is a boy named Adam - hee hee a boyfriend!! They would hold hands together and walk around, what was more funny was that she would dictate what he could play with each day!! Queen control!! She would also not want to queue up with all the other girls and insist on queuing with the boys. Well... sometimes she does say she is a boy.
When I told my mum, she said "No wonder, everytime Tasnym gets off the school bus, she would only say goodbye to Adam and no one else!"
Izad has been trying to 'scold' her for having a boyfriend dictating what she can and cannot do - eg. cannot hold hands with Adam etc or he would put Adam in time out!! But talking to Tasnym is like talking to a multi-channel TV, it switches channel so fast that you dun know what she is talking about or whether she even listens!
Epok-Epok Pengantin
So for any of you who wants to make this tiny baby epok epok, here's the recipe:
Ingredients for the insides
200 gm dried prawns/ anchovies - washed, drained and dry blended
6 cloves of garlic
1 big red onion
1 inch ginger
1 small serai
salt to taste
1. Dry blend the garlic, onion, ginger and serai together.
2. Mix the blended items with the blended dried prawns/anchovies.
3. Fry all the items with a little oil till crispy.
4. Put aside.
Ingredients for the skin
300 gm flour
1/2 spoon butter
1. Mix the flour and butter.
2. Pour in the water bit by bit to form a dough.
3. Take a small ball of dough and pree it out with your fingers into a very thin piece of flattened circle. Make sure its very thin or your fried epok epok will be chewy rather than crispy.
4. Put the fried dried prawns/anchovies in a small amount in the centre and fold the circle into two. Pinch the sides into waves.
5. Fry in hot oil and voila! Baby epok epok!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
How do you discipline your child?
It has made me decide... along with my other training in parenting that I was not going to hit my children. No canes hanging in my home. And I have no intention of getting one... not even as a means of a threat. Yes, I had the urge to hit my daughters occasionally ...when they get on my nerves... come on it happens to the best of us... but I had restrained myself, at the very most I flicked my fingers on their arms. Even then I felt soooo guilty afterwards and still feel guilty abt it today.
I had a very interesting conversation with some of my colleagues yesterday, all 4 mothers of sons and all having canes hanging somewhere in the house... whether utilised or hanging there as a threat. It is so interesting to me how one of them especially advocated caning as effective and something that she would advocate for children below 7 but sparingly and only with good reason. She even had a special cane that would not leave marks, apparently it is out of stock in the markets already, possibly from all her advertising!!
I thought it was interesting how the older generation often lament about the children of today - how different they are, how protected... that even a cane mark could lead the parents to jail... and how all this are making the children of today simply spoilt and out of control. But one thing, they have completely forgotten is how different the society of today is and what the world is today is worlds apart from the world of yesterday. The media, internet, technology all makes the world and therefore the children highly different. It is too simplistic to say that cos the canes are no longer used that the children are becoming uncontrollable ... there is a whole lot of other confounds to the issue. I would say instead that because the world today is so different that new differnt methods of child maangement has to be employed cos the children are different and not the lack of caning that are making the children different.
The difficulty though is that many of the adults my age now had gone thru a childhood where they were caned and where they had not known any other methods of parenting... and they saw this as not having caused any harm to them ... therefore questions the necessity for change... forgetting instead that since the world has changed, the children have changed and therefore the methods must change.
It was with Tasnym that I truly realise how ineffective these methods were as she would just model us and turn around to flick us back after she is done crying and wailing. And we got worried that she would start hitting others in the same way. So time out is the way to go and it has been very effective. Definitely no canes for us!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Funneee Conversations
Papa: Sarah, first you must go kindergarten, then you go Primary School. After that you go to Secondary school, and then JC/Polytechnic and after that you go to the University.
Sarah : Papa, I dun want to go to so many schools, wait I'll be tired. (ha ha)
Conversation 2
Tasnym : Mama, Sarah must go time out, you carry the legs I carry her hands!!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Preparations for Hari Raya
Got some punjabi suits for both girls from India (via a colleague) and they looked soooo cute!! I somehow think that mine is not really gonna be able to fit me... around the tummy.
This year, I've decided to be a bit more ambitious and make some kuih... more than the usual I made previous years. Macaroons, choc chip cookies, kuih siput, epok-epok pengantin, honey cornflakes, choc cornflakes... hee hee.. I've gotten all the recipes ready and engaged help from some cousins to join forces... my friends are already laughing at my over-ambitiousness... taste it first then you will know hah!
Anyways, I am fasting to the puzzlement of my Chinese colleagues who would interview me long and hard why I was doing so considering that I am pregnant. Well, I am healthy and so is the baby.. alhamdullilah... and the doc gave the green go ahead so here I am on the 5th day (wow, its almost a week already..) fasting away. Not too bad though there have been some grumblings in the tummy occasionally... and funny thing is I don't eat much during buka... So I am sure I'll lose some of that weight I gained the last month alone... told the doc I was storing away in time for Ramadan.. ha ha
The waking ups in the middle of the night, however, is taking its toll... to pee, carry Tasnym, sahur... I've got dark circles under my eyes and it dun look good... definitely not matching the red puffy swollen lips... sigh I dun look good... I had to take some photos to renew my passport and I look so bloated!
Happy Birthday Sarah!

She made some resolutions on not sucking her thumb, sleeping in her own bed and not wearing pampers to sleep when she reaches 4 years old but by the time the day comes all these resolutions has been pushed to her 6th birthday!!
A conversation she had with me yesterday:
Sarah: Mama, where is Tasnym (when she saw that Tasnym was not at home)? Is she lost? If she is lost, then how, I won't have a sister anymore... Nevermind lah... then I can get a brother!
Hmmm... well sorry Sarah... you are going to get another sister as the doctor had confirmed that last week : )
Saturday, September 01, 2007
My mouth is stinging...
Some days, my lips could compete against Eddie Murphy's.. as it swells up
Creams did not work and now, I'm applying steroids at a doctor's prescription... the swelling has gone down considerably... but the itch and sometimes the sting is still there...
Doc says that it is an allergy but the problem is that I have no idea what I am allergic too...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
At least I have feet...
To my horror, it DID!! when I got pregnant.. some assured me that the size would go down again after I give birth... NO IT DID NOT!! It remained the same... after the pregancy with Sarah, it went up to size 9 and after the pregancy with Tasnym, it went up to 10. How do I deal with going up to 11 after my present pregnancy?? It was already hard enough to find shoes in size 9 or 10, what about 11? Thoughts of binding my feet have crossed my mind.... MANY TIMES!!
Shopping for shoes used to be a pet activity.. I have now stopped even bothering to enter into a shoe shop unless I had known already that they carried large sizes. I could not take the condescending or shocked looks or the sales staff when I asked them for the large sizes, they will then look at my feet, to stare at the montrosity and ask, your feet so big ah? One sales person I met recently started taking out shoes in size 10 as his shop had large sizes without asking me my style of preference. When I told him, I didn't like the designs he took out, he said "Well if you don't like the designs then defficult lah..." Uh you mean just because I have big feet, I have to settle for ugly shoes?
Last weekend, one salesman said in shock "Hah? Size 10? No we dun have," alamak even the other people in the shop heard and looked! Hmm... excuse me, Ian Thorpe has large feet and he has attributed his illustrious swimming career to his feet while you are just a small time sales person in a tiny unknown shoe shop!!
Don't they realise how terrible I was already feeling going from shop to shop to be met with disappointment or when I tried on shoe after shoe, not even being able to squeeze my foot halfway into the shoe. I kept being reminded of how Cinderella' stepsister tried to squeeze her feet into the glass slipper... sob... I am not mean like that stepsister you know...
When I was younger, relatives were very mean and often made fun of my feet. I remembered how my parents would talk negatively about it and how difficult it was to find shoes for me. I remembered distinctly how cousins would make fun and said that I would end up looking like Ronald MacDonalds with my huge feet sticking out or how my grandmother said how my shoes can be turned into a sampan!
Even I am amazed at how resilient I had been to deal with all these and my response was "I am grateful that I have feet as compared to those who does not" I still feel that way... and it has taught me not to make fun of those who have imperfections. But please feet, dun grow to size 11... I'll have to walk barefoot if you do!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Stop Calling ME!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Hong Kong 2007
It wasn't a good trip by anyone's standards, what with being caught in the rain 95% of the time and being evacuated out of Disneyland due to the incoming typhoon... Luckily, we managed to catch a very good Disney show before the park closed but didn't get to go on any of the rides.
Tasnym surprised me with her show of fear of the Disney characters, refusing absolutely to take photos with them... She ran in fright at the hotel when Goofy went up to shake her hand. She insisted that this was not the same Goofy that she sees on the Disney channel!!
But we did get some pretty good buys. Despite all the rain, despite having to don raincoats as we walked around. AND despite the bad back pains and that by night, I could barely walk!! The shopper in me persisted!! We only had a brief respite from the rain when we went to the Ladies Market one night...
The funny thing was that we didn't understand what the cyclone warning no 8 meant and had to ask the Disney Park staff what it meant and what we should do as a result. He had a puzzled look on his face while explaining, probably wondering which planet we came from!!
When we were in Kowloon, we wondered why all the shops were closed as it was only drizzling and there were no hurricane in action. No night markets too and we hoped against hope that the shops would open later in the night but no hope there as the shops remained closed. It was only when we watched the news that we realised how serious the situation was and that all the offices were also evacuated...
Tasnym was a terror on the plane, refusing to be seated and belted. The steward kept reprimanding me for not keeping her belted.... yah easy for him to say... being so non-child focused, he even tried to talk to her like she was an adult to tell her that she needs to be seated and belted....
At meal time, she went from one passenger to another and shouted "Apple Sauce!" "Chilli Sauce!" Next time, Tasnym stays home and no way am I going to take a plane ride that is above 3 hours with her until she grows older and wiser!
So proud of her!!

We were so proud of Sarah. She had been hankering to ride a horse and bugging us for the upteenth time... so that weekend we decided to go to Gallop Stables. My hubby was skeptical asking "Are you sure?" thinking for certain that Sarah would back out and not proceed.
She certainly surprised us as the more she saw the horses at the stables, the more she was certain that she wanted to ride the horse and proceeded to pay for the ticket and put on the helmet. She bravely stepped up the small stairs to get on the horse. Her face was practically frozen...
She did cry... halfway through the ride but what matters most was her willingness to step up to a new experience and take up the challenge. That's my girl!!

Saturday, August 04, 2007
Tasnym's cute, Sarah's pretty
We worried that Sarah's self esteem would be impacted by this and were concerned that she would grow up in her sister's shadow tho I know that right now she does not mind it much considering how shy she is. We wondered tho what it was doing to her self esteem until we came to this conversation she had with her papa while out shopping one day...
Sarah: Papa, Tasnym is so cute right? She is sooo cute!!
Papa (very carefully): Yes Tasnym is cute. Sarah is cute too.
Sarah: No Papa, Tasnym is cute. Sarah is pretty!
Well no problems with her self esteem there!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
No Matter What
So as you can tell, I am not all too convinced... and Sarah was quick to refute it later... "Don't tell me its a girl, its a BOY!!
I could not imagine what those mothers in India and China must be thinking and feeling when there is so much pressure for them to have boys that they have to kill their baby girls, either in pregnancy or at birth...
Anyway, for me it does not really matter... as much as I may hope for a boy, if God so decides that it is to be a girl, there must be a reason for his decision....the girl will be received with great welcome and open arms, with LOVE no matter what...
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Baby's Sleeping Arrangement
Sarah's Version
Mama: Tasnym, can baby sleep in your bed?
Tasnym: No! That's mine
Sarah: Mama, baby can sleep in my bed.
Mama: Oh that's nice, then where do you sleep?
Sarah: I sleep in the middle! (ie in between the parents and she said this with such glee!)
Tasnym's Version
Mama: Tasnym, can baby sleep in your bed?
Tasnym: No! That's mine!
Mama: OKlah, you sleep in your bed, kakak sleep in her bed, then baby would sleep with Mama
Tasnym (panicking): No! Mama, baby can sleep in my bed.
Mama: Then where do you sleep if baby sleeps in your bed?
Tasnym: I sleep with Mama.
Talk about being possessive!!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Not Adik... Tasnym!
When you ask her, What's your name? Her response? Aaaadik or better yet Adik Ariesha!!
So when she started school, we started on a mission of teaching her to say Tasnym... to no avail... it was still Adik Ariesha...
Two weeks later after the start of school... "No Mama, not adik... Tasnym" she suddely does not want to be called Adik anymore... Waah... my baby is growing up!! And I miss Sasha too...
Friday, July 06, 2007
Princess and Mickey
Heard though that the weather is gonna be super hot there then...
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Second Trimester
I thot things were getting better esp since last week, the nausea eased up quite considerably ....or is it cause I was home last week? ... hmmm nausea at work....
work = nausea??
Am so tempted to go home right now... I've already thrown up twice this morning itself...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Mama, you can go now
Tasnym: "Mama, you can go to work, I stay here with Kakak. Bye Mama Bye!"
Mama : "Hmmm... oh ok... bye Tasnym"
Kena halau seh...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
My babies are growing up!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tasnym's First Day
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Go to Hell Smokers!
If they want to smoke in public so much, why don't they just swallow all the smoke, why breathe it out? Then they can have the total satisfaction of receiving the full effects of the nicotine and all accompanying poisons. Why be so gracious and generous in wanting to share the smoke with others. Or better yet, why not just stand in the middle of the road, put a hose attached to the back exhaust of a Malaysian bus and just take a deep breath... I assure you, the effects are the same and maybe you'll get a better high! Or maybe, you'll get knocked down by other vehicles so you get your wish to die much earlier...
Since people who smoke often say they do it cos of stress, well get a bigger dose of poison from the bus and it will eliminate all your problems away...
They smoke at public functions, in front of babies, in front of pregnant wives, don't these smokers have any sense at all? You mean they dun even love their wives and unborn child that they willingly continue to puff away despite knowing full well the possible impacts. Dun tell me they are so ignorant!!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Its gonna be earlier, YEAH!!

We finally gave in and as Zuraidah would put it, has put up the white flag and proceeded to employ a new maid. Wat to do... we really cannot stand the sight of our home right now and neither has the energy to actually clean up cos its gets too frustrating to see it messed up so soon after. The pile of unfolded clothes is ominously growing bigger and one day we would need to use picks and axes to climb it!!
I'm just praying for the best and really hope that the same problems encountered before will not repeat itself.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Boy or Girl
My hubby wants yet another girl as he wants to make a trio of Charlie's Angels. I want a boy. No reason, just felt that it would complete the equation somehow and wanted the experience of caring for a boy. Hubby asked how I would feel if it was a girl. My reply? Of course, I would accept it cos be it boy or girl, it is still a gift from God that I am extremely grateful for. So many people around are having so much problems conceiving and even maintaining a child in the womb.
But for now, please GOD can it please be a boy? Thank you
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
Parent teacher meeting
What does surprise us is the information that she is very popular in class such that the other kids would want to sit beside her and be her friend... this for someone who is so shy and quiet. I think its also cos she mothers them and is a big sister to the rest. She would assure them and help them with things. Awww... So cute!! I feel so proud of her when the teachers shared that with us.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Driving me CRAZY!!
She goes into an emotional overdrive acting as if I had just abused her by asking her to clean up. She would want a hug, say she wants her father, ask me or her sister for help to clean - all these amidst loud wailing and non-stop tears flowing down her cheeks.
Goodness, it is more stressful to ask her to clean up than it is to just do it myself.
Times like this, I am craving for a maid...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
We need to OPEN UP!!
That response set me to asking how many of our Muslim convert friends had done so because they had been convinced of its beauty by other friends when they were teenagers. Many whom I know did so cos of marriage and a portion of that does not even really believe in the religion, half holding on to their own belief systems.
The other thing I was wondering is how many of our teenage friends were so strong in their beliefs in Islam that they wanted to spread the word and get others to see the beauty of the religion. Uhm.. I didn't know of any... not when I was in school. Well we were all practising Muslims but I supposed the spirit of wanting to share the religion with others was not there. At most, we would just correct misconceptions that our fellow classmates may have of Islam. Even the concept of halal and non-halal food can already create rifts between us and our non-Muslim friends. I remembered how at a class barbeque, the halal chicken was ostracised to the floor to be separated from the non-halal chicken as the non Muslim friends feared that we had prayed to the chicken!!
I think that the other problem was also the tendency for many of my Muslim schoolmates to stick to themselves. In my University days, I felt strongly the non-acceptance by my Muslim coursemates. I was not part of the tudung group and neither was I part of the wild-group. I was not wearing the tudung then and somehow those who do didn't seem to want to welcome me into the group and I was a fellow Muslim. If I who was a Muslim was already feeling so ostracised by this group, what more others who were non-Muslim? They somehow created an aura of untouchability around them and I knew many non-muslims viewed them with a certain wariness and had been asked many a times "Why do they dress like that?" and mind you sometimes it was not with a tone of curiosity. Their style of clothing also didn't help sometimes especially when they wore drab colours and walked with their head down, towards classes and out, mixing only with their own kind.
This stood out in stark contrast to Christian friends who somehow went around befriending others wanting to "spread the message of love" as they would put it, not that I liked it when they came on too strongly but it does allow for greater understanding by ithers on the religion.
I think all these somehow added up to Islam being viewed with a certain mysticism. People don't understand the religion cos the people practising it does not try to make sure that others understand it but instead create barriers from allowing others into their team. I do think we need to open up more. As much as we may not be out to convert others but to help others understand the religion much better and open up ourselves as religion for people to admire rather than loath and view with cynicism. This must all start from the schools level.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Snap Snap
Izad is definitely not spared with me nagging about everything under the sky. The unwashed milk bottles, the bottle covers on the dresser...
I think we have to get a maid again. I don't think I can cope with the current state of our home being the way it is. Maybe not so soon but later on when I am in my third trimester possibly.
I told Izad that this would be the last pregnancy. I know that I told him the same thing the last round but I think this time I'm certain. I don't think my body can put up with another pregnancy. I am really feeling the strains of this one.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Two lines in a Little Window
sarah was happy and has happily accepted that she was going to have a baby brother named rayyan, not that we know its a boy yet, he he... but this was a conversation i had with her out of the blue a few days back that kind of threw me off:
Sarah: Mama, baby Rayyan's house is out there (pointing out of the window)
Mama: Where?
Sarah: Out there, his house is far away (again pointing out of the window)
Mama: When is he coming?
Sarah: Not today but he is coming someday, another day. He is sleeping now cos its night time.
Mama: What does he look like?
Sarah: He's small.
the active imagination of a young child? i really dunno...
for now, i'm just battling nausea, vomitting and extreme fatigue, oh god counting down the days to when the first trimester is over and i can enjoy the pregnancy a bit more. how is it that others are so lucky not to have morning sickness and i end up having all day sickness!! and my back is aching already while no masseuse would touch me... how many more days till the end of the trimester?? sigh...
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Bad Parkers
Luckily I'm still slim enough though I have to, many a times, hold my tummy deeply in to enter into the car. Bt things get bad when the girls are with me. How do you even put a child into their car seat and buckle them in when you can only the door open by about an inch??? And its not like I can tell my daughters to wait a while as I drive forward first to give me more space, I can only hold my frustrations inside. There were so many times when I really felt like writing a note and placing it on their windshield telling them how inconsiderate they had been. But sigh I'm too lazy...or simply had no paper and pen ready (excuses I know)
The other grouse I have about parking is when I have to do it at the multi storey carpark and am with the 2 girls. Can you imagine me struggling with 2 girls plus the multitude of bags, trapsing down 3 levels of the multi-storey carpark? What luck if either girls are sleeping... luckily has yet to encounter when both goes to sleep... I'll probably just stay in the car and wait for hubby to come.
Previously, I just parked by the block and so receive parking summons for illegal parking. Wrote letter of appeal and demanded for a solution to the problem. Well, I got the summon waived but absolutely no response in terms of a solution, HDB probably don't know how to solve their lack of proper planning when they first came up with the idea of multi storey carparks. Some multi storey carparks go up very high and there is no lift. How does that deal with people who are elderly, feeling sick or carrying lots of children and groceries? I was thinking that perhaps one option is to provide allowance for some people to park at the handicapped parking especially if they are elderly but realised how this can be easily subjected to abuse.
Best solution? Fit all multi storey carparks with a lift and it can be hydraulic (if I'm using the right term) so that they use less electricity.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Admirers abound
There is also a boy in her class who simply is attracted to herand would either try to come near her every opportunity he gets or copies whatever it is she is doing. That irritated her so much that she started throwing a tantrum which led her to being asked to leave the classroom as she was disrupting the rest!!
Oh boy....I wonder what another 10 years would bring along?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
What I wanna be... what I wanna be
Mama: Oh, that's good, Tasnym, what would you like to be?
Tasnym: Marney (Barney)
Sarah: Mama, she wants to be Barney but she does not have a tail right? When she grows up, then her tail would come out! Ha ha ha ha (Sarah's attempt at making a joke!)
Isn't it interesting how parents would get so happy when their children wants to be a doctor. Its hard work, they work on terribly long shifts, and the pay is not exactly that great considering the sacrifice... why is it that parents not encourage their children to be the prime minister, heh they earn millions in a year!!
Or a banker? Why must it be doctors, lawyers and teachers?
I remember once when I asked a child I was working with what his ambition was as a way to encourage him to go to school... his reply - to work in Mac Donalds!! Well that shut me up... you definitely dun need to go school to be that!
Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Tasnym has started developing symptoms too with pimples on her buttocks... hopefully hers would be mild too like Sarah...
Apparently, Zuraidah's daughter and Lin's daughter also has HFMD so chances are they caught it from each other at the cousins party last weekend... not sure though who was the index case...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Hand Foot Mouth Disease
Called Izad numerous times as he had gone to washe the car and received no answer. I carried Tasnym who was being so cranky and dragged Sarah down to look for her Papa... no sight of him and off to the multi storey carpark to search... Tasnym absolutely refused to walk by herself and was too busy screaming away... It was all I could do to stop myself from screaming too...
Could not find Izad at the washing bay and was shouting for his name... people must think I was mad!!But it worked cos he popped his head from the top floor of the carpark and asked me what was wrong... I just shouted for him to come down... he must be wondering what was going on with me holding the girls at the base of the carpark..
We brought Sarah to a GP as it was a Sunday and her paeds was close. The doctor confirmed that there was a high suspicion of HFMD but the problem was that she refused to open her mouth to let him check for ulcers.
Izad though was not satisfied and wanted a second opinion so off to KKH we went. We were seen by the doctor super fast and he too could not confirm HFMD as Sarah did not have mouth ulcers saying that this may develop over the next few days. Alternatively, we could be seeing another viral infection instead.. And it was too late for Tasnym to be separated from Sarah as she had already been exposed.
Called the school today and was told that there were no other kids down with HFMD though they had receive notice from MOH that there was a rise in the number of cases... Checked the web and true enough. there were 490 cases last week compared to 300+ the week before... my daughter adding on to the statistics...
Problem though is... is it really HFMD and if yes, where did she get it from?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Maid-less but happy
After my maid left, I was shocked at the state she had left her room and my service balcony. I had pretty much left these two rooms alone since she came. The lack of hygiene, the mess... I couldn't believe my eyes at what I was seeing! She had actually kept potatoes and onions together with my hubby's dirty soccer boots! Do you need anything other than common sense to know that's just not done? I was actually on my knees scrubbing the service balcony floor as something had spilled and she never bothered to wipe it up. 5 garbage bags worth of rubbish was thrown away... things she broke... or just simply unwanted things were all stored there. My pink pajamas... now stained blue... was at the bottom of a basket hidden underneath a pile of towels.... was she even planning to tell me that she had done that? My favourite leather bag was badly damaged and had to be thrown away as she had stuffed all the bags together causing the leather bag to be badly scratched by the zippers of my hubby's gym bags.
To think that I gave her money and things, helped her when she was in need... and she never valued the things that are mine...
I may be struggling with the routines of household chores now... but there is a certain satisfaction in doing it myself ... in knowing that I am doing it MY WAY.... and if I spoiled anything... well it is on my call ...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
It takes 2 hands to CLAP...
But doesn't it always takes two hands to clap in a relationship, either in developing a relationship or in causing it to fail? If a relationship fails to take off, isn't it due to one party's disinterest, so one side of the hand is not willing to clap? And if it fails in the years to come, isn't it due to either or both sides of the hands failing to join in the clap?
But it is indeed very easy to say that the other hand had failed to clap when ours is always ready to do so.
What is it that makes or break a relationship or a marriage? What is it that causes one person to look outside for easy solutions to problems in the marriage?
1) Respect - The roof in any relationship.
2) Communication - The pillar in any relationship and most important of all;
3) Commitment - The foundation in any relationship.
4) Forgiveness - The curtains to the home.
Without these 4, the house would fall apart. I feel that a house can exist without love... after all how many of our great grandparents married from love or shared romantic love but yet their relationships continued till the day they died.
The thing though that ensures a marriage remains true is the commitment to stay no matter what, through thick and thin. No matter what temptations lay ahead. No matter what challenges. Wasn't that a vow that we take at the point of marriage? It is the foundation for which a marriage has to be built on. The ingredient that if left out would doom the relationship from the start. How can you have a lasting marriage if one party keeps looking for an exit door whenever problem looms ahead or when a prettier skirt or pants walk past?
With this foundation in place, what comes next would then be the respect for the other partner and the effective communication that plays a part to make the wheels of the marriage work. Without them, a marriage would not necessarily fail but it would be a less happier one.
That's when the finger pointing issue begins. Who do you blame when there is a lack of respect or communication in the relationship? The other party? Or yourself?
Respect for each other is the roof that protects a relationship from outside threats and harm. It is a 2 way process - that you give respect and that you receive respect. Respect is shown in the things we do to ensure that we protect the other person's feelings and well-being - that we not create unnecessary hurt in the other person.
But many do forget that respect is not a given. It is earned. And if lost, and it is easily lost, you would have to work doubly hard to gain it back. It all begins from yourself, whether you are willing to work hard enough to earn that respect and protect the respect hard enough to ensure that it is not lost. How does respect protect the relationship? Cos it causes you to think twice before you act in a way that would harm your partner.
Communication is not a one way tool. It is a two way process. Easier as it may be to say that the other person is not communicating, what have been the efforts that you have made to make sure that your own communications has been effective? The language of flowers.... the soft tones... a loving voice... a caring enquiry... a nice gesture... all to show that you care... are parts of communication. When was the last time that you had done any of these?
Before you point a finger at the other party and say that the other party has not been communicating with you... stop a moment and just ask yourself whether you have played your part too. I would think that it is very rare for a spouse to spurn loving gestures made in all sincerity. Loving tones are reciprocated with loving tones. Loving gestures would only be spurned if that other party is already looking at the exit door and is not committed to the relationship... ie a dissolvement of the foundations to the relationship.
One party can always start the efforts of building or repairing their communication faults. It may take time and the first few efforts may be viewed with suspicion but the fruits are well worth it. Communication can happen in many ways too, letters... emails...
Forgiveness... the last ingredient. Imagine if a person were never to forgive and collects all of the other person's transgressions... You know there is a saying, "you can repair a broken glass but you can always see the cracks" For me though... as much as you can see the cracks, the glass is still whole and you can always paint over the cracks and begin anew.
The problem for many couples though is to pour over those cracks, studying them, relieving the hurt over and over... not willing to forgive and move on... not willing to seek new paths... but just holding on to past hurts. What does it serve to do so... Didn't the hotel new world lesson just teaches us that even cracks in the building can cause the whole building to fall despite a commitment to stay?
Who says marriages are easy? It takes two hands to clap.... and before you point any fingers ... just remember that as you point one finger out, there are three more pointing back at you... It always begins with you...
Friday, March 23, 2007
In loving memory...
I can still remember the day when I first saw him at a few days old, when I took him back at 2 months, when he went missing for a week at 4 months... That he was my first love... and the one who gave love to me unconditionally when I felt that no one else really did
The one who was my companion when I burnt midnight oil studying for my As and Unis, purring away as I studied...
The one who was there thru my tears and pain...
Bye Didi... u will be remembered...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Finding nemo
Monday, March 12, 2007
Shopping Woes
The two mickey mouseketeers...
Tried to go shopping with the two girls yesterday and had our patience thinning by the moment. Tasnym was simply uncontrollable, not wanting to sit on the stroller, not wanting to hold hands... hey wait, didn't I say all this before? Not that Sarah was any better. They went riot at Best Denki in Parkway! People must be tsk-tsking at these two girls and their mum who simply did not manage them properly. I don't think Izad was faring any better.
All these was punctuated with requests to go to the toilet by Sarah and mad dashes to the toilet. Not that she actually needed to go each time but I think she just liked the small kiddy bowls and sinks cos she can sit on it herself without being carried. She also loved the fact that she could wash her hands, put soap and dry her hands at the dryer. Well, all this didn't stop her from urinating at Courts... we made a quick exit out!
Nothing got done... and Izad made a phone call to his mum... for us to drop off the girls and resume our shopping at the IT show!
Hey... who's taking photo of whom?
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Till death do us part
My response to all this had been, what had happened between the two that caused the daughter to be so heartless to her mum's suffering. It is not that I do not believe that a human being is incapable of being totally heartless.... they can and have... but usually circumstances prompt men to turn bad. Its just that I feel that something bigger must have happened that had caused the daughter to turn against her mum in that way.
When I was younger, I've often heard stories of how some had turned in their parents into the old-folks homes and how heartless these children were to have done that. It set me thinking... well, if the parent themselves had not taken the time to care for their children, leaving the care to maids and spending more time at work... especially for the fathers... is it fair to then expect the child to care for the parent at old age? How different is it for the parent who had left his child at the child care centre, babysitter, maid etc for most of the week from the child who places his parent in a old folks home or day care when he is at work? Why is there a negative connotation for the latter but not the first. In the Western culture, old folks villages or homes are homely, giving the elderly a sense of independence and yet with adequate structured care. After all, there are circumstances which would necessitate an elderly's placement into a Home, none of the reasons related to a child's wish to abandon the parent but to ensure that the parent receive the necessary nursing care. My argument against the placement would only arise if the child, however, absolutely refused to visit the parent in the old folks home... out of sight out of mind...
Which brings me back again to the question, why do some children opt to abandon their parents, not visiting or rendering love and care. Is it the same to the question of why some parents may abuse their children, refusing love and care? Cos of lack of attachment, cos of past history of abuse? Would the child who had been abused, physically or emotionally by that same parent, neglected or not given adequate care and love going to be the same child who would then in turn abandon his/her parent at the time of need. Anecdotal examples seems to say yes. I've come to know of many tribunal cases where parents had goen to the courts to claim maintenance from their children only to be rejected by the latter due to the abuse that had been inflicted onto them by that same parent. Of course, reasons of abuse do not hold true for all cases.
It amazes me how some adult expects absolute loyalty from their children when they did little in the child's life, especially for the fathers. Did they think that just because they played a part in the conception of the child, through the sperm donation at the point of consumation, that the child then belongs to them and should therefore complete all their biddings? Even for the mothers, what control do we mothers have actually in conceiving the child and delivering - all that is in God's hands. And yet they wield the nine months of pregnancy and the number of hours in labour over the heads of the child as reason as to why the child should then obey to all their commands. It is not the 9 months plus the numerous hous of labour, it is what the parent do after that in years to come that matters, that would determine whether that child would remain steadfast, loyal and true to their parent.
Other reasons also run abound, arguments, differences, conflicts that all sours relationships... Money seems to be a popular reason. Funny isn't it how a loving relationship can be turned around cos of money but hey.. that's another topic altogether. But it is enough of a reason to make a child turn their back against their parent. Sad huh... reminds me of that old story of the couple who was making a wooden bowl for their elderly parent and planning to abandon the elderly parent to the mountain top... only to stop short when they see their young son planning the same for them. What comes around comes around.
Well... for my relative's daughter... it may be too late for regrets and only time to think of what-ifs... and possibly even a reminiscence as to what her mum may possibly have done wrong to her perception...
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Children see...
Remember that children see what we do and we have a choice to the type of influence we want to be to our children.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
What's with the colour? Does it make her less beautiful that her skin tone is darker?
These days with Tasnym around, the difference becomes more stark, especially with Tasnym being so fair. Salesgirl, nyonyas at the malls never fail to comment. Oh Tasnym is like me and Sarah is like the dad... but they make it sound bad cos they will then fall all over Tasnym cooing abbout how fair and cute she is.
I worry how Sarah will take all these one day. I asked Izad last nite how it was for him that he was so much darker than all his younger brothers. His response "I made sure I got darker." Ooookie...
Are we a little racist without realising it? Or should I say colourist? Is white equals to beautiful and dark equals to ugly? Did we coach ourselves from the time of colonial days to see that only the whites can be deemed as good looking?
Well some would say... didnt Ms India win Ms Universe a few years back? But didn't you see as well that she was the fairer Indian?
One of my good friends, who is an Indian, shared with me how her daughter hated her skin colour as she said it was too dark. Other girls at the playground had told my friend's daughter that they did not want to play with her cos her skin was dirty! Some would say, perhaps it was the parents who had not done a good job in teaching their kids not to say such things... but when I encounter so many adults who are so bent on pointing out the colour comparisons between my two girls, not that Sarah is even that much darker, how can the little girls not have such thoughts about colour when the adults are equally as insensitive and like a say a colourist (cos I know they are not racist).
I dun really know how Sarah is feeling about this right now. With her being so shy, I dun think it bothers her too much that Tasnym gets more attention from strangers. But in years to come, I'm not sure how this would impact on her or whether I can really do much to protect her.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Oh Girl...
A few days ago, in a hypermart in Malacca, in our struggles to manage Tasnym and trying so hard not to just tear our hair out in frustration, he said to Tasnym, "Adik, you make me think twice about having the third one". She refused to sit nicely in the trolley, refused to hold our hands while walking... her world was her own and decisions made as to where to go would only be hers..... irregardless of who were around her and that many were trying hard to avoid her from being hit by their trolleys. It does not even bother her when she can't see us (know this as I tried hiding from her view to see her reaction).
She hits Sarah, bites her nenek, rules our bed with both Izad and I clutching to the edges... sigh...
Playing inside a cupboard in our hotel in Malacca
Caught in the act playing with salt in a restaurant in JB...
So dun let that cute face fool you!
watch Tasnym fight for the stroller